RE: What did you say?


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I've heard Christopher Nolan blamed for the current sound situation. He evidently prefers realism instead of mic'ing everyone up well, claiming that it's more real to not completely understand everyone.

Whoever is responsible, I hate the trend. Nothing about movies is realistic, so why does sound have to be realistic? I can't wait for the trend to change and bring back more balanced sound recording so that we can actually hear people.

I have several UK friends around here so I think I'm pretty used to a lot of UK slang. That said, I don't know. I kind of want to watch this series you mention just to test my UK slang knowledge!


They mentioned Nolan in the article that I shared, so you are definitely right on that account. I've noticed with a lot of the stuff on Disney + the dialog is low, then the action scenes are super loud, so I will turn it up, then suddenly my wife gets up from her nap and slams the bedroom door because it is so loud. I've tried to explain it isn't my fault. :) Even without the slang, The Gentlemen is totally worth a watch. Probably one of the best shows I have seen for some time in my opinion.


I went back and read it. Yeah, I've heard that thing about newer actors no longer knowing how to project their voices. That's pretty nuts. Seems like it should be acting 101.

Yeah what you mention is the same with my son's action shows like Ultraman. The action is incredibly loud while the voices are much softer. Sometimes you can cheat that by boosting the central channel in surround sound mode, but not always.


That's a good bit of advice. We just have a soundbar, but it makes total sense.