Family Switch ~ A Hilarious Netflix Gem

Greetings my movie family. Please raise your hands if you spent way too long putting off watching the movie Family Switch on Netflix like I did. Please put them up again if after finally hitting the play button, you were doubled over with laughter and wondering why you waited so long to watch this movie.
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So I decided to see this movie yesterday and I am still mad at myself why it took me this long to see it. Trust me guys, this is a full-blown comedy rollercoaster and I'm still grinning about it.

Family Switch is a movie that throws us into the life of the Walker family. We have Mom who is a stressed-out workaholic, Dad, the ever-patient glue that's holding them together, teenage daughter CC, who is a soccer star hoping to get into the national team someday, and then Wyatt, the family genius.
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Because of their chaotic personalities and lack of understanding amongst themselves, they wished to be each other and unfortunately for them,their wish came true. Their bodies got swapped. Mom becomes CC, Dad shrinked into Wyatt, CC becomes Mom and Wyatt becomes dad. Let me not even talk about the baby that swapped body with the dog.

I know this body-swap stuff isn't exactly new in some of these movies we watch, but believe me when I say that Family Switch freshens it up with lots of hilarious scenes. Imagine a teenager trapped in her Mom's stressed-out body, trying to pitch a deal that would make her a partner in the company or a mom trapped in the body of her teenage soccer player who needed to be at her best in the game to be selected by the international team scout.
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Imagine dad trapped in Wyatt body trying to convince Yale representatives while they should give him the admission or Wyatt who is afraid of crowd trapped in dad's body and ready to kill it in a concert. What about the dog that was walking and behaving like a human being and the bady that was acting like a dog? Trust me guys, it was fun to watch.

But this movie isn't all about the laughs since the family were able to learn valuable lessons about empathy, communication, and appreciating each other for who they are during the time they were in each other's body. Mom finally understood the pressures CC faces so also CC was able to understand the sacrifices Mom has been making for her. Dad discovered Wyatt's hidden talent and Wyatt discovered that dad had to give up his musical career just to be with them. This is sure a perfect combo for a crazy movie night since it's heartwarming and hilarious at the same time.

I loved the fact that the cast of this movie were topnotch. I think they deserve an award for such a powerful display. Jennifer Garner and Ed Helms are two comedic powerhouses, and they totally nailed the awkwardness and hilarity of body-swapped parents. Emma Myers and Brady Noon didn't also fail to hold their own with spot-on portrayals of teenagers wrestling with newfound adulthood.

And So, to anyone who is still procrastinating like I did, stop delaying this movie magic moment. Family Switch is the perfect pick-me-up, a guaranteed laugh-a-minute ride with a sweet touch of heart. Trust me, this is the kind of movie that leaves you smiling long after the credits roll, and maybe even calling your family up for a movie night of your own.

What are you waiting for? Go hit that play button and join the family switch fun. I bet you would thank me later for recommending such an amazing movie. Don't forget to drop a comment in the comment section and tell me what is your favorite laugh-out-loud moments in the movie.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


I'm really glad I saw this movie, after the many searches on what to see 😅 imagine regretting that you didn't see a movie you've never seen before, I feel that would have been my situation lol.

The baby and dog swap made it all the more hilarious, I mean, they didn't had to swap since I don't think they wished to be each other 🤣 well, I enjoyed it!

This is a well arranged review, I hope more persons will see this movie. Well done.


Exactly.. The baby and the dog never wished to be each other, so why on earth did their bodies get swapped? I feel that's one of the many loopholes of the movie though, just like Wyatt who knows nothing about music but because he was trapped in his dad's body, he sang perfectly well as a professional and totally killed the song.

For what it's worth, the movie is overall, interesting and hilarious. I am glad we got to see this movie.

Thanks so much for your feedback.