No Way Home Apesta | No Way Home Sucks

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"Las películas de Marvel son como un parque de diversiones" Dijo Scorcese. Luego de un par de años de esa frase entiendo a la perfección a lo que se refería. En estos días tuve una conversación interesante en la que tocamos las pelis de Marvel. Y llegamos a la nueva Spiderman 3. Para mí esa peli fue super Mid. Medianamente interesante. Mientras la veía en mi casa no paraba de preguntarme "como es que esta peli causó tanto escándalo si es tan aburrida". Primero que nada, Dr. Strange es solo para vender. Pusieron a dos de los personajes más atractivos en la pantalla para llamar la atención. Si era necesario o no el tema de que todos olvidaran quien era Parker no se. Yo diría que no. Pero de lo que si estoy seguro es que era inecesario esa aparicion que fue prácticamente un cameo. Aqui el único gran logro fue poner a los 3 Spiderman simultáneamente en pantalla. Pero eso en sí mismo no es suficiente para justificar una película. Si, están los villanos viejos otra vez ahí pero... Eso es todo? ¿Qué paso con eso de una historia genial? Los diálogos eran en escancia, repetir los grandes diálogos de las películas anteriores de Spiderman. Solo un refrito de los grandes éxitos, pura nostalgia. Y el final, como todas esas películas, se reduce a una pelea cuerpo a cuerpo entre los "buenos" y los "malos". No me gustó. No diría que es una gran película. Pero la crítica de mi interlocutor me hizo reflexionar. Cuando le dije lo que pensaba de la cinta me respondió: "debiste verla en el cine. La gente gritaba emocionada". Solo pude pensar en una montaña rusa o algo así. Un montón de gente reaccionando al mismo tiempo a la sorpresa de que aparecen los 3 Spiderman al mismo tiempo tuvo que ser interesante. Pero no debería ser suficiente para justificar una película. Eso no justifica mi entrada al cine. Yo quiero ver una buena historia, algo que se quede conmigo y me haga replantearme cosas, no gritar porque aparece Andrew Garfield en spandex otra vez. Eso fue lo que me alejo de las pelis de Marvel. No he visto nada de lo nuevo hasta que apareció la nueva de Deadpool. Pero Deadpool no es Marvel. Deadpool es clase aparte y luego hablaremos de eso.

"Marvel movies are like an amusement park," Scorsese said. After a couple of years of that phrase, I perfectly understand what he meant. These days I had an interesting conversation in which we talked about Marvel movies. And we got to the new Spiderman 3. To me, that movie was pretty meh. Moderately interesting. While watching it at home, I couldn't stop wondering "how did this movie cause such a scandal if it's so boring." First of all, Doctor Strange is just for selling. They put two of the most attractive characters on screen to grab attention. Whether the theme of everyone forgetting who Parker was necessary or not, I don't know. But what I am sure of is that the appearance that was practically a cameo was unnecessary. The only great accomplishment here was having all 3 Spider-Men on screen simultaneously. But that alone is not enough to justify a movie. Yes, the old villains are there again, but... Is that all? What happened to a great story? The dialogues were essentially just repeating the great dialogues from the previous Spider-Man movies. Just a reheating of the greatest hits, pure nostalgia. And the ending, like all those movies, boils down to a physical fight between the "good guys" and the "bad guys." I didn't like it. I wouldn't say it's a great movie. But my interlocutor's criticism made me reflect. When I told him what I thought of the film, he replied: "you should have seen it in the theater. People were screaming with excitement." I could only think of a roller coaster or something like that. A bunch of people reacting at the same time to the surprise of having all 3 Spider-Men appear at the same time must have been interesting. But that shouldn't be enough to justify a movie. That doesn't justify my entrance to the cinema. I want to see a good story, something that stays with me and makes me rethink things, not scream because Andrew Garfield appears in spandex again. That's what drove me away from Marvel movies. I haven't seen any of the new ones until the new Deadpool appeared. But Deadpool is not Marvel. Deadpool is in a class of its own, and we will talk about that later.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.




Quiero agradecer a todos los que se tomaron la molestia de acompañarme a lo largo de este Post.
Se You Next Time


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While I enjoy comics, one thing I can't get into is the superhero film side of things. They feel all too similar and far too reliant on being average. Alongside constant universe nonsense where they throw in everyone and everything just to connect it all for the purpose of marketing and money. I just can't look at these films and come out with the conclusion that they're something I want to see.


RT. I just don´t like'em any more man. I would like'em if they had something like... idk... Some mature themes like The Watchmen. Or some good writing like The Penguin. But the don't