Manchester by the Sea (2016) was interesting




Watched Manchester by the Sea and well, I'm sort of just mentally worn from it if that makes any sense. Casey Affleck is a better actor than I thought.

The movie is super relatable other than like, the insane tragedy Lee goes through. I guess the whole, super depressed part is the relatable part of this movie. Affleck plays his role very well, just sort of floating through life.

The movie is simply tragedy after tragedy and just I guess shows the spirit to eventually go on? This is a gritty film though, definitely layers to it. The actors and just bluntly tragic nature of the plot makes it feel very difficult. You can feel how challenging it is for everyone to deal with all of this death.

I've got some family up in New England, living in PA myself I mean, it's all pretty relatable. I never worked or lived on a boat or by the sea, but yeah.

Overall I am just left emotionally drained. Well acted, a bit predictable and oddly corny at random times but, overall solid dramatic film.

At the end of the day, there's no like, tangible problem to solve in this one other than like, the logistics of picking up the pieces. This is just a movie about attempting to cope with insane tragedy. So I guess, there are many many emotional problems to solve.

It's a nice, pleasant open ended ending. Feels odd to say that after getting mauled by tragedy but, I do like the ending.

This one did have a unique twang and style to it. Not excatly rewatchable though HA.

I'll give it an 8/10.


Tragedy-filled plots are exhausting, but entertaining in one way or another.