War Room


Don't let the title of War Room fool you. There is no front line or bomb shelters to hide from the bombs, but the moral support needed to cope with the difficulties of life is felt in every moment of the movie.


The character of Clara in the movie is an elderly woman who has lived every moment of her life to the fullest, full of experiences and very calm. When you look at the life Clara leads and the dialogues she is involved in, you can see someone who has all her nerves taken away, who has a very good anger control and who has an answer for everything.

You can see with a glance that it is her past experiences and her faith that have brought her to this state, but to understand her, you need to watch the movie for a while and see the harmony between what she says and what she does.

I would say that each of us should have someone like Clara in our lives, but maybe we do and we don't listen to her.

What makes Clara more valuable is Elizabeth, whom she meets during the sale of her house. Elizabeth is young, beautiful, married and the mother of a daughter. She has no control over her anger, stubborn, successful in her work but having problems in her marriage, stuck in the same situation with no chance to change it.

Elizabeth's meeting with Clara and their meeting sessions, which become a tradition, is the main plot of the movie. Clara is sort of a life coach for Elizabeth, but I must say that this life coaching is full of teachings about life that everyone who watches the movie goes through.


War Room is far from action, sci-fi, fantasy and suspense, but it is full of realities that magically touch the ordinary flow of life.

Those who watch the movie may have the following misconception. They may think that the characters are propagandizing their beliefs and inviting everyone to a similar belief. Whatever spiritual value you believe in, you can adapt the story to it. We don't have to believe in the same things to be good and to organize our lives. When we change our perspective a little, we can understand the difference a lot.

The movie has a touching story and in the right hands, it has been successfully handled and reflected to the audience. When the success of the actors who bring the characters to life is added, the movie becomes more delicious and takes on a sincere, heartfelt and gripping characteristic.

I must admit that I am still under the influence of Clara's life and her advice.

Towards the end of the movie, there is a scene that I think will surprise all viewers. I won't say exactly what it is, but you can think of it as dessert after a delicious meal and I am almost sure that you will be surprised in that scene.

You should definitely watch the movie War Room. I find the movie valuable in terms of reminding us of some values that we forget in the hustle and bustle of life. And I think it will touch the lives of everyone who watches it.

Thank you for being here and reading. I wish everyone who will watch the movie a good time. Take care of yourselves, goodbye!


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