The fact that some films are preliminary research before the events to be realized

I can safely say that I have come to believe in the idea that some movies are used as a pre-training tool before the events that are going to take place.

If someone asks me to prove it, of course I can't, but that's not the only thing we know exists but can't prove. Films based on artificial intelligence, epidemic films about the rapid spread of viruses developed in a laboratory as a result of negligence or accident are just a few examples.

If the efforts to control the brain of a dead creature are successful, we may be living the fiction of zombie movies. Soulless bodies can take over our streets and avenues thanks to controllable brains.


The zombie-themed productions we watch may give us preliminary ideas about how we should behave when such a scenario becomes a reality. A simple scene in a movie watched for entertainment today may turn into a life-saving detail tomorrow.

As much as zombie movies, apocalyptic scenarios are being created through artificial intelligence and robots. When the movie we watch as a great sci-fi genre becomes the reality of tomorrow, we may find ourselves as the target or prisoner of robots. Again, in such a situation, we may be living the reality of the scenes in the movies we watch.

Perhaps, in future lives, there will be two races in the world. Human beings will be involved in the relentless wars between the robots and the human race and there will be plenty of time to question the mistakes made in the past in the name of technology. Even if this questioning does not change the outcome, the scenarios in the movies will inevitably come to mind and there will be solutions to survive.


One day we may also see the digital apocalypse. We may be attacked and lose our loved ones by a program that we didn't know existed until that moment or that we developed to do a job. When a program that is open to learning reaches the power to control all the devices that have developed themselves infinitely and are available to people, when it comes out of fiction and becomes a reality, the movies we watch again can give us a preliminary idea of what we can do.

If all these fictions and new scenarios that can inspire new productions come true, it seems that there will not be many options left for humans. Real or not, let's not forget how the covid-19 pandemic trapped us in our homes for months. A virus with a higher rate of spread and kill rate could have the ability to destroy human life.

If any of these fictions, which we have seen in movies for now, come true, human life on Earth could be at risk. Whether the threat is an artificially intelligent robot, a virus, or some other cause I can't think of, the outcome will be the same and human life will rapidly become primitive.

Given what humans are doing to each other and to the planet they inhabit today, perhaps we deserve such a sad end. Perhaps the world should be cleansed and those who remain should rebuild the planet, starting from scratch.

If I approach all this as a wish, I hope that each fiction will remain in its own movie, in scenes that give great pleasure. And human beings will always be in control. At least people will learn a lesson about what they do to each other before going primitive with the developing technology...

...but it's worth repeating. That last part is just wishful thinking! Before that, it could be the theme of movies and maybe of future lives!


I tend to see it as subtle programming, in the sense that we won't be overly surprised if what we've been watching ends up becoming a reality. I think the general implications of that is humanity will be plunge into more chaos and finding a way to come out of it will be very hard if not impossible.