I Am Legend (2007) Rewiev


A virus with 90% killing power has wiped out all living things on earth and the world has come to an end. When I evaluated the script in one sentence, I was almost certain that it contained an extraordinary story.


Although most of the time I dictate to myself not to have high expectations before watching any movie, my expectations are constantly raised in movies whose plot I have analyzed and liked. And for some reason, when my expectations are high, I am always disappointed after watching the movie.

The 2007 movie I Am Legend, whose script I liked very much but which I found quite inadequate in terms of the processing of the story, caused me to experience an ebb and flow in terms of expectations and disappointment. After the emergence of the virus and its rapid spread, the number of people who manage to survive is limited to those who manage to develop their own immunity against the virus.

Throughout the movie, which I thought I would have a pleasant viewing time, the story that kept revolving around a single character and his dog as if repeating the same cycle over and over again became boring. I watched the movie until the end, but except for a few scenes at the end, I can't say that I understood what the movie was aiming for or what it wanted to tell. The final scenes try to add meaning to the movie, but it is debatable how successful they are.


Will Smith, who plays the character of Robert Neville, tried to do his best but I can't say that he was very successful. Maybe the script of the movie was not suitable for him. The many absurdities he does throughout the movie cause him to stand out too much. While it was quite easy to be protected from the virus and the other creatures that the virus changed, it was not acceptable that he had to sacrifice himself after the mistakes he made.

When you're aiming for success and just when you've achieved it, losing years of knowledge and experience feels like a shitty thing to do. The way Will Smith's character connects his life before the virus with his life after the virus makes the dramatic scenes that the movie tries to add insufficient. There is such a disconnect between his life before and after that it gives the impression that they are not the same person but separate characters.

Will Smith's best work was his successful portrayal of the point of insanity he reached when he thought he was all alone. My favorite scene was when the character tries to have a conversation with a lifeless mannequin in a clothing store. I don't know what kind of psychological problems it would cause to live in constant fear for years without seeing anyone, but I guess it would be inevitable not to go crazy.


I've tried to describe I Am Legend as best I can and I refrain from making any recommendations on how to watch the movie. You can make up your own mind after your evaluation. Compared to many apocalyptic movies I have seen, I can say that I found I Am Legend mediocre.


Yay! 🤗
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