

When we watch productions that reflect the cultural values of the period, it is easier to understand the distance people have traveled.

The competition between traditionalists and innovators has been going on throughout history in every aspect of life and still continues to do so. As a matter of fact, as long as yesterday's innovators continue to be today's traditionalists, I don't think this equation will break down or that one side will prevail.

If a winner is to be determined, it's hard to deny that the innovators will prevail most of the time and in most places.


1984's Footloose is a successful musical drama that deals with the cultural values of the time, the search for freedom of young people and the effect of dance on individuals.

The story of the movie centers on the character Ren McCormack, who moves to a small town where dancing is forbidden. After learning that dancing is forbidden, Ren begins to fight for freedom against those who enforce the ban.

In general, the movie is a classic “teen movie” in its effect. Those who support Ren in his struggle are the young people of the town who, like him, are tired of the bans. Those who enforce the prohibitions are the older people of the town and a clergyman who supports them.


I can't say I'm surprised that the prohibitions are based on faith; in fact, I would have been more surprised if faith had never been added to the story of the movie! I can safely say that I've given up judging or judgmentalizing this issue...

But strangely enough, the passage of time shows us this clearly. Yesterday's innovators become today's traditionalists, and after a certain age, for some reason, everyone either closes themselves off to innovation or defends their own truths as much as possible. No offense to the exceptions please! Lol

Social constraints, the oppressive authoritarian structure, the longing for freedom and the taboo that the youth is trying to break were the other reflections of the movie that stayed in my mind.


The fact that the young people dance in harmony to the rhythm of the music is worth seeing, but the fact that their dancing leads to the questioning of moral values and the arguments they put forward are presented as a struggle or competition between traditionalists and innovators makes the story interesting.

I will not go into the details of “taking sides” in such a matter, but I can say this. People should have the freedom to sin as much as they have the freedom to commit crimes, and they can do what they want, with the consequences!

Imposing and enforcing prohibitions within the theme of “sin” is nothing more than dictating to other lives what they can and cannot do and imposing their own truths on them.


I recommend watching the movie Footloose, which reflects the popular music culture and dance moves of the 1980s. The dance scenes in the movie are more than just entertainment; they are more meaningful because they express the inner world of the characters and their search for freedom.

Listening to the iconic song “Footloose” performed by Kenny Loggins is another pleasure!

Thank you for being here and reading. Take care and goodbye!
