Old but Gold... One Day

Old doesn't necessarily mean bad. There are old movies that are a lot better than many of the modern movies of today. I guess, back then the makers of the movies were deeply passionate about the story and pictures they produced. It's the challenge of not having high-tech gear that pushes the creators to resort to their creativity and passion to deliver outstanding results with the limited technology that they have. In fact, the low-budget movies of before are the ones that utilize real-world sets instead of the modern studio sets filled with green screens and visual effects.

The low-budget movies of before are the ones that utilized pure acting, emotions, and superb background music to evoke the emotions and imagination of the viewers. One of those movies that leaves a mark on me was the latest the I watched recently - One Day.


A friend of mine suggested to me, to check it out on Netflix.

The funny thing is that I watched the first 20 minutes of the movie and then slept. A day later, I decided to continue watching to see if I was still interested in the story.

It turned out that the story was just building up in the first 30 minutes and then it became even more interesting as it progressed.


It started as a rom-com which I thought would be throughout the movie. But then as the timeline progresses, the characters start maturing, and as it approaches near the end, there is a shocking scene. An event that I never thought it would happen.

I was imagining how the story progresses and what will be the ending.

It was tragic and yet it left the protagonist and also me with a realization about life.

What I realize is that there are movies that will make you forget about the past and focus on the present or yearn for the future. Those kinds of movies will encourage you to look forward to the future and the things that it will bring for you.

And then there's "One Day", a movie that will make you remember the past and cherish the beautiful memories that you have. It will also make you think deeply about your present and cherish each moment of it.

We may only have a few moments, a year a month, or even just a day with our loved ones... cherish it and make sure that you make it matter to the people who truly care about you.

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Hey @curamax I just bumped into your post on my feed and I am glad that I did.

I love how passionately you wrote this post and a lot of what you pointed out resonates with me and I am definitely going to watch this movie.

Thanks for sharing😃