RE: Return of the Killer Shrews (film): Not "so bad it's good," it's just bad

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You ae certainly mastering the art of finding the crap lol. It used to be easy by just popping into Blockbuster seeing what films never hit the theatres and went straight to video.


yeah those were the days. I used to have a lot of fun scouring the horror section of Blockbuster and normally most of what was in there never went to cinemas or if they did it was a very limited release. Most of the 80's horror movies were really bad but some of them were quite fun because of how terrible they were. I think the horror genre is likely one of the toughest ones to turn a profit in because if you make it truly scary it is going to end up with an R rating and therefore they are limiting a lot of their potential audience. On the other side though if they tame it down to the point of achieiving PG-13 then it probably isn't going to be scary enough for adults to really enjoy it.

These days if films aren't rated R I normally presume it isn't going to be very entertaining kind of like they did with Borderlands when they made it bloodless despite the fact that thousands of people are dying in it. It doesn't make sense.