Keeping It 110

Ain't no rest for the wicked, so you gotta keep it at 110. Or at least keep a 110 handy.

Apparently they used to make some fancy 110s with all the bells and whistles to get nice, crisp shots but I've yet to lay eyes on one. Besides, what's the fun in that?

My first camera was a 110 and man did I love that thing. Still do but it's a bit nonfunctional presently. Got an early start with the street photography, was taking photos of total strangers from a young age. Still don't know why though, had never heard of such tricks as street photography at that point.

Nowadays the Nikon is my go to for serious business, but when time comes for shits & giggles photography, nothing will do but a pink 110 camera. Always keep one in my camera bag for this very reason.

Nothing else will do for shooting the Hall of Freedom. Anyways, these have all been shot with that on Lomography's redscale film.

Try to keep it to only one or two shots from any single place or event but recently had to make an exception. Went to Churchill Downs for an evening of 'twilight racing' and cameras with detachable lenses are prohibited so I had to keep it 110.

The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved but even when it's not Derby day you can still catch the vibe. Shot most of a roll there and it's got me wanting to go back more, capture that vibe with a 110.

It's high time I ride on out of here, until next time y'all remember to keep it 110.


I have the age that I have shot with an analog camera in the past. Although I was still a kid. I remember that it was always exciting when you received your pictures.

It's cool to see you're still using one. Are these all recent photos?
I like the retro looks of the pictures.
Do you develop them yourself?


Same, I started with the 110 and fairly quickly moved up to 35mm but once digital came along I jumped ship for it. Lol, the first digital camera I ever used you had to stick a 3.5in floppy disk in it for storage 😅 The wait for getting your photos back was (and still is) the worst though.

They are all recent, from this summer. The lake photos are from Cave Run in July, the Kentucky State Fair photos are from August and the Churchill Downs shots are from late last month. I always forget how retro they look, until I get a new roll developed.
I wish I could develop them, it'd probably be a lot cheaper, but I just send them off to be developed. My partner mostly shoots film and has all the stuff to develop but we don't have a good setup for it right now and 110 film is so small (17mm) that I suspect it'd be a pain.


wow what i vibe and the style.
i never used this format. is it still possible to find the fresh film for this camera ?


It's fun!
It is, Lomography makes at least four different kinds of film for it (redscale, b&w, colour, and something called lomochrome). I think it was out of production for a while but now I just order it from B&H.


great that its still possible to find this analog stuff. i'm breathing it for my daily photography. now doing only analog due the death om my daily shotter Ricoh GR


Back in the 70s I first got into photography my uncle taught me gave me a camera and also taught me developing in his dark room so the vibe and mood of these brought back memories
So cool you carry the 110 I have at times thought of picking up a film camera and trying it again but yet to get round to it


I'm slightly jealous, would have loved to learn how to develop film but nobody I knew knew how. Lol, the vibe always catches me slightly by surprise, just reminds me of the photos I was looking at as a kid. If there were less phones and more cigarettes it'd be downright difficult to tell when it was from.

I only started keeping it with me the past few years, rediscovered my old 110 and my partner got me some film for VD day and it got me hooked again.


thats so cool your partner got you the film and back into it, keep them coming i love them

when my uncle passed he had bequethed his photo gear to me, I was still at home and had no place to setup the darkroom, but I had the cameras for a few years, alas they got stolen on one of my moves and never have got back into film YET!!!


I'm definitely hooked, I've got at least six rolls still to come. Thanks :)

That sucks about the cameras. YET!!! It's never too late. Lol, doing digital for so long, I'd done a good job of forgetting how expensive getting film developed was.


i hope to see more from the 110 film you got !
once in 1993 before i moved to Israel from Kazakhstan, i bought 2 110 film cameras for amazingly low price and gave to my friends to use them during our farewell party. everything, but everything turned out absolutely out of focus. I don't know what was the quality of the cameras i found then, or maybe it was a need to know how to use these.


You will, no doubt.
I think that's just part of the territory with 110s. Almost all of my shots with it are at least somewhat out of focus, I think there's a sweet spot that'll get you something fairly in focus but I haven't found it yet.


and sadly i was out of interest in photography in 1993, so it was very spontaneous try and i was lack of knowledge of what exactly an exposure and the focusing distance. so , no memories from this day :-)


I love the mode you used to take today’s pictures
They look kinda old
Love them!


Analog mode is really something :-)
I think the camera is as old as me (38) and it shoots like it too, but the photos are recent.
Thank you!