The killer, David Fincher, 2023

Dog eat dog
Kill or be killed
No trust in mankind
Don't be remembered
Don't trust
Logistics method
Music to prevent the mind from wandering
Serve neither causes nor God nor flags
No to empathy, empathy is weakness and weakness is vulnerability
Don't improvise
Play early
Stick to plans
The only path in life is the one behind you.


To be a good killer you need to follow strict rules with a margin of error as close to zero as possible, expected but not admissible.

In an initial twenty-minute voice-over monologue and with an almost line-free performance for two hours of film, Fassbender, directed by Fincher, delves into the dark abyss of a character made of shadows, silences and a maniacal control of emotions to present and return an absence of life, in perfect synchrony and coherence with one who takes life away.

The prologue is of such remarkable cinematic power that everything else goes without saying and flows anyway because it exploits the propulsive force of the beginning which is enough and goes on.

Michael Fassbender is an infallible killer, from his hotel window he waits for his target, a routine now. Everything is planned, as usual. But the unforeseeable happens: the killer gets the wrong target and begins an escape, in which he will discover that all the rules he created, after being broken, open up a new perspective on life.

David Fincher proves once again that he is a formidable director and that he focuses on increasingly complex aspects of man


I love you review, It delves into the repercussions of a strict life philosophy when faced with the unforeseen.


Sono d'accordo con te!
Personalmente preferisco i film di azione, e mi ha stupito la lentezza iniziale con cui parte il poi ho pensato: che cavolo è David Fincher diamogli un altro pò di tempo.....e così dopo lo sparo sbagliato il film ti tiene incollato allo schermo fino alla fine!!!È un gran bel film, ed anche la tua recensione, grazie



As you have reviewed this movie and said it is very interesting, I will also try to watch this movie and then let you know how this is.