Mobile Suit I - The beginning of a great rivalry // El comienzo de una gran rivalidad [ENG/ESP]

In the world of anime there are a lot of rivalries between characters in the same series, but there is one in particular that I like a lot because of its relevance and weight in the stories, I'm talking about Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, but maybe you wonder who are these two unknown, do not worry that in this post I will talk a little about them and their weight in the famous Mobile Suit Gundam franchise.
Let's start with Char Aznable the antagonist if you can call him that of the original series, is known as the red comet for his prowess in battle under the command of Zeon, a military force that aims to rule the entire earth and space. Recall that one of the particularities of Gundam is life on other planets, but not space beings but humans that thanks to technology have been relocated in colonies around the earth, on the moon and on Mars generally.
Char is an experienced soldier but has a sad past, one that is revealed as the series progresses, which gives us a crumbly understanding of the character's work throughout the story. His experience allows him to create battle tactics that allow him not only to succeed in combat but to gain renown and rank in Zeon's army.
En el mundo del anime hay una gran cantidad de rivalidades entre personajes de una misma serie, pero hay una en particular que me gusta mucho debido a su relevancia y peso en las historias,estoy hablando de Amuro Ray y Char Aznable, pero quizas te preguntes quienes son estos dos desconocidos, no te preocupes que en este post voy a hablar un poco de ellos y su peso en la famosa franquicia de Mobile Suit Gundam.
Comenzemos con Char Aznable el antagonista si se le puede llamar asi de la serie original, es conocido como el cometa rojo por sus proezas en batalla bajo el mando de Zeon, una fuerza militar que pretende gobernar toda la tierra y el espacio. Recordemos que una de las particularidades de Gundam es la vida en otros planetas, pero no de seres espaciales sino de humanos que gracias a la tecnologia se han reubicado en colonias alrededor de la tierra, en la luna y en Marte generalmente.
Char es un experimentado soldado pero tiene un triste pasado, uno que se va revelando a medida que la serie avanza lo cual nos va dando a entender por migajas el obrar del personaje durante toda la historia. Su experiencia le permite crear tacticas de batallas que le permiten no solo salir airoso en los combates sino ganar renombre y subir de posicion en el ejercito de Zeon.

On the other hand we have Amuro Ray, a civilian who is in the opposition called "federation" but by fortuitous circumstances had to become a pilot to survive under a surprise attack by Zeon. When you meet him he is nothing more than a young prodigy machine gamer and son of a federation leader.
His mother abandoned them because she didn't want to go to live in space, so Amuro grew up with his father and sometimes when they traveled to Earth he could visit his mother, this is important to understand because it has a lot of weight in the development of the character. Amuro never wanted to go to war, in fact he was not interested in becoming a soldier even though his father had a good position in the army.
However all that would change drastically because he was in the wrong place, yet he was in the best possible place because he found a Gundam, which was one of the new weapons of the federation to face the principality of Zeon.
His innate ability for machines allowed him to learn how to use the Gundam and thus survive and save many civilians like him from certain death. All this we can see in the first movie and there is where he faces Char giving as a beginning a great rivalry between the two pilots.
This fight between the two is quite long, spanning several movies and some series, the two are main characters even though they are on separate sides, initially everything seems a circumstantial fight and nothing more but as they progress and their paths cross they begin to respect each other as pilots and enjoy fighting each other.
It is interesting to see how each one fights his own battle in the middle of the wars, Char wants revenge while Amuro fights for others, on the way they suffer the death of loved ones for them but they show the determination to achieve their goals despite everything that surrounds them; in short it is little what I have described here about these two characters because there is much to enjoy them, so it is worth watching this rivalry through the universe of gundam, I invite you to do so.
Por otro lado tenemos a Amuro Ray, un civil que esta en la oposicion llamada "federacion" pero por circunstancias fortuitas tuvo que convertirse en piloto para sobrevivir bajo un ataque sorpresa de Zeon. Cuando se le conoce no es mas que un joven prodigio jugador de maquinitas e hijo de un lider de la federacion.
Su madre los abandono por que no se quiso ir a vivir al espacio asi que Amuro desde pequeño crecio con su padre y en ocasiones cuando viajaban a la tierra podia visitar a su mama, esto es importante entenderlo porque cobra mucho peso en el desarrollo del personaje. Amuro jamas quiso ir a una guerra, de hecho no estaba interesado en convertirse en soldado aun cuando su padre tenia una buena posicion en el ejercito.
Sin embargo todo eso cambiaria drasticamente por encontrarse en el lugar equivocado, aun asi estuvo en el mejor lugar posible porque encontro un Gundam, el cual era una de las nuevas armas de la federacion para enfretarse al principado de Zeon.
Su habilidad innanta para las maquinas le permitio aprender a utilizar el Gundam y con ello sobrevivir y salvar a muchos civiles como el de una muerte segura. Todo esto lo podemos ver en la primera pelicula y alli es donde se enfrenta a Char dando como inicio una gran rivalidad entre ambos pilotos.
Esta lucha entre ambos es bastante larga, abarca varias peliculas y algunas series, los dos son personajes principales mas alla de que esten en bandos separados, inicialmente todo parece una lucha circunstancial y nada mas pero a medida que avanzan y se cruzan sus caminos comienzan a respetarse el uno al otro como pilotos y disfrutan el luchar entre si.
Es interesante ver como cada uno lucha su propia batalla en medio de las guerras, Char quiere venganza mientras que Amuro pelea por otros, en el camino sufren la muerte de seres queridos para ellos pero muestran la determinacion de conseguir sus objetivos a pesar de todo lo que les rodea; en definitiva es poco lo que he descrito aca acerca de estos dos personajes porque es mucho lo que se puede disfrutar de ellos, por lo que vale la pena observar esta rivalidad a traves del universo de gundam, te invito a hacerlo.

Gracias por leer / Thanks for reading
The last frame, where the character is wearing a helmet, reminds me a lot of an animated series I used to watch when I was a kid. It's called Captain Future. I'm sure you saw it, I really liked that animation, I think it was an anime. When I was a kid I really liked those productions. Centella, El Vengador, Mazinger Z, Dai Apolon. those are some that I remember at the moment. 😆
Haha, those helmets are classics as well as those series you mention, very good by the way, there are several that I don't remember much although the most iconic is still Mazinger Z, of that we had the complete collection as a family treasure (My father and I) but with the passage of time the cd's have been deteriorating 😅
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