Hokuto no Ken: An anime loaded with testosterone [ESP/ENG]


Fist of the North Star is an old series, one of those retro ones that transcends, an anime classic that gives us a very different perspective of how a man was considered in the 80's, which is undoubtedly very different from today.

I like this series because it has a strong story, where we see humanity in a state of survival, since after the third world war the earth was plunged into a post-apocalyptic space, where mercy does not exist and only the strong survive.

Kenshiro or Ken, as he is mostly called, is the protagonist of the story, a man chosen to suffer but at the same time to change the world through his power. These two parallels are maintained throughout the story, and are not separated at any time. His friend Shin, betrays him, and becomes the fist of the southern star, once he does so he ambushes him and defeats him in combat, takes Julia, his beloved, from him and abandons him to his fate.


This single event marks how cruel the story is, crude as Berserk in many ways, but with a quite different context.

The fights in this series are something else, each one of them to death and with devastating effects on the combatants, its creator Tetsuo Hara illustrated a work of art, and was very realistic in encompassing this series of aspects in his work. Blood abounds, and so do good fights, the predominant martial art is Hokuto Shinken, a devastating art that destroys whatever it touches.

It is considered the "father" of the Shonen genre for the amount of action it has, a title that makes me agree. I have seen many series, anime movies, and I have not seen one like this, there are some that come close, like Berserk, but Hokuto no Ken is brutal, the way in which its mangaka encompassed the action is unique, and being this its main aspect is very striking. I watched it with my little kids and they loved it from beginning to end.


There are other important characters, Shin, one of them, Ray, Kenshiro's friend and Raoh, the main villain and Ken's older brother. They share a destiny with each other that involves all of humanity, as one of them does not want to advance but to set himself up as a conqueror over them, and the other, to save humanity.

These ideals are important, because they become the main thread that moves the characters, and this is a reality, because our particular ideals direct all our actions.

In short, it is a series that I recommend watching with eyes closed, although you can also watch the movies, these are a condensed summary of the original series. The animation is old, from the 80's and 90's, but the physical features are exalted and the characters are well designed, the story is excellent, a jewel that every lover of good anime should see, simple as that.


Thanks for reading

![Spanish Version]

Hokuto no Ken: Un anime cargado de testosterona

El puño de la estrella del norte, es una serie antigua, de esas retro que transcienden, un clásico del anime que nos da una perspectiva muy diferente de cómo era considerado un hombre en los 80’, lo cual sin duda alguna, es muy diferente a la actualidad.

Me gusta esta serie porque tiene una historia fuerte, donde vemos a la humanidad en un estado de supervivencia, ya que después de la tercera guerra mundial la tierra quedo sumida en un espacio post-apocalíptico, donde la misericordia no existe y solo los fuertes sobreviven.

Kenshiro o Ken, como mayormente se le llama es el protagonista de la historia, un hombre elegido para sufrir pero a su vez para cambiar el mundo a través de su poder. Esos dos paralelismos se mantienen en toda la historia, y no se separan en ningún momento. Su amigo Shin, le traiciona, y se convierte en el puño de la estrella del sur, una vez lo hace lo embosca y lo derrota en combate, le quita a Julia, su amada, y lo abandona a su suerte.

Este único acontecimiento marca como es de cruel la historia, cruda como Berserk en muchos aspectos, pero con un contexto bastante diferente.

Los combates en esta serie son otra cosa, cada uno de ellos a muerte y con efectos devastadores en los combatientes, su creador Tetsuo Hara ilustro una obra de arte, y fue muy realista al englobar esta serie de aspectos en su obra. La sangre abunda, y los buenos combates también, el arte marcial predominante es el Hokuto Shinken, un arte devastador que destruye lo que toca.

Es considerada el "padre" del genero Shonen por la cantidad de acción que tiene, un título que me hace estar de acuerdo. He visto muchas series, películas anime, y no he visto una como esta, hay algunas que se le acercan tipo Berserk, pero Hokuto no Ken es brutal, la forma en que su mangaka englobo la acción es única, y siendo esta su aspecto principal es muy llamativa. La vi con mis niños pequeños y les encanto de principio a fin.

Hay otros personajes importantes, Shin, uno de ellos, Ray, amigo de Kenshiro y Raoh, el principal villano y hermano mayor de Ken. Estos comparten un destino entre sí que involucra a toda la humanidad, pues uno de ellos no desea su avance sino erigirse como conquistador por encima de ellos, y el otro, salvar a la humanidad.

Estos ideales, son importantes, porque se vuelven el principal hilo que mueve a los personajes, y esto es una realidad, pues nuestros ideales particulares dirigen todas nuestras acciones.

En definitiva es una serie que recomiendo ver a ojos cerrados, aunque también se pueden observar las películas, estas son una resumen condensado de la serie original. La animación es antigua, de los 80 y 90, pero se exaltan los rasgos físicos y los personajes son bien diseñados, la historia excelsa, una joya que todo amante del buen anime debería ver, así de simple.

Gracias por leer

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I confess that I did not know this anime and the truth is that the premise is quite interesting. It is old, but it has the necessary seriousness to enjoy a good story.

Thanks for sharing this hidden gem. Regards!


That's right, my friend. An anime gem and practically a classic. I hope you can watch it and enjoy it.

On the other hand, sorry for the late reply.


The animation of those years is gold for me, I don't know if it's the nostalgia but I enjoy it very much. Honestly first time I listen to this anime but it looks very top notch, pure blood and gore, nothing new but always entertaining.

Noted, let's see if I give it a chance!


It is not new and in a way it is a precursor of this type of anime full of violence and gore.

I confess that it's the same for me, I really enjoy this kind of anime from the 90s.

On the other hand, sorry for my late reply.