What Movie Star are you?


Is there any movie star you see yourself as? Are you a Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, or are you an Indiana Jones from any of the Indiana Jones series'?

Me? I'm quite the mix. Here's why:

I'm the enthusiasm and "never back down" from Marty McFly in Back to the future.

"What's wrong dude, you Yella?"

Marty McFly was always getting himself in trouble for never backing down from any challenges from Biff or Needles when they called him chicken. I'm kind of the same in a sense. I don't mind people calling me chicken, but there's a sparkle in my eye that has me up for most challenges. Some people have called it a wildness in me. I'd say it was more of a love/hate relationship with risk.

I could very well see me doing this in this scene. The want and need to protect my friends, but also mixed with the fear of being gunned down by a fierce criminal in the 1800's.

I'm also Forest Gump.

You may laugh, but it's something that's quietly true about me. I'm very naive and gullible, but also somehow always land on my feet. I also have quite the community of friends looking out for me all the time.

Also the determination to get what I said I was going to do, done. If one thing that Forest Gump showed us is that you don't have to be exceptionally socially gifted to be well loved by millions. In fact, I would say that most of the hyper successful people in this world have a lazer focused attitude on tasks like gump had.

This is me. I might be quite the autist, but I'm also quite the focused individual as well.

I'm Jimmie Rainwood in an Innocent Man

As you get older you tend to find yourself in harsh situations when you are forced to make choices that you would rather not if your circumstances were different. I'm not saying I've killed anyone before but I've been faced with decisions in my life that would mean fuck other people over, or be fucked over by myself -- and these are the hard choices we find ourselves in as we age.

Tom Sellek displayes this beautifully here when he has to kill or be killed.

I think most people who watched this film could imagine themselves as Jimmie Rainwood and being faced with a decision that goes heavily against what we're all conditioned with as young kids, not to kill, and yet it's either that or face a fate worse than death itself.

Quite the emotional hamstring, yet some of us find ourselves in these situations all the time. Not killing of course, but having a choice between a rock and a hard place.

Lastly, I am Empire, from the foundation

If you haven't see the foundation yet I highly encourage you to do so. I am enjoying every minute of it.

Empire was faced by the uncomfortable truth of how vulnerable he was; that he was not the almighty god that he once thought he was, and given the right circumstances that even he can be manipulated and plotted against to dethrone his dynasty.

When confronted with this truth he immediately set out to actively squash the rebellion at its roots, and that he did. He kept one person alive though, and that was the face of the rebellion, or the one known to him. Granted he knew it was not her that plotted this, but she was the one that was known to them.

I am the empire's thirst for revenge.

This is a punishment fit for a king. In a weird way, I admire this punishment. I'm not a vengeful person, but then I've never had anyone or anything taken away from me that I loved.

Rue the person that ever does. Because I will go full blown psycho.


Anyway, thanks for reading this folks. Let me know in the comments what your characters are!

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