True Lies


"Did you ever kill anyone?"

"Yes, but they were all bad"

Ah, this line cracks me up every time. I know I shouldn't laugh but the line has me in laughter every time. The naive wife who thinks her husband is just a very boring sales agent but is actually a deep undercover spy and has been doing it for 17 years. She wants to punch him straight on the nose. He's been lying to her for all that time.

Hence the movie name True Lies.

You see, on the surface Harry is a regular 9-5 guy. He works as a salesman and has a regular family, that's made up of a wife and daughter. Harry is a regular person if you didn't look too much deeper. But if you peel back the layers you'll find that Harry is actually an international spy working deep undercover and undertaking various missions for the government.

All is well and no-one is any the wiser for a long time. His wife and daughter go about their daily business, and often-times it can get a little dull for his wife.

That is until a little excitement is thrown on her lap, quite literally.

Good old Simon. A REAL car salesman posing as a spy. The irony of this isn't lost on me here. Her husband is posing as a salesman and is a spy, whilst Simon here is posing as a spy and is a salesman!

Anyway, Simon's trick is to bring adventure back into bored housewife's lives. He pretends to be a spy in front of Harry's wife because he thinks she looks like a bored housewife. And, well, things are a little bit boring for her, so she gets a little excited when this comes across her path.

But, Harry spends his life around lies and subterfuge and notices that his wife isn't being honest with him almost immediately and sets about finding out what's going on in his wife's life.

Of course, it's not long before Harry discovers that his wife is being led on by a fake spy and it's just some dickhead trying to get his rocks off with his wife. And Harry deals with it, and well too. The scene where Simon pisses his pants is quite apt too!

But there is more that meets the eye with this film and I encourage you to watch it if you haven't. This one is one of the old greats, and a film when Arnie was in his prime and doing some of his best work.

I thoroughly recommend this to you guys!


Can't remember when the last time was that I've watched this. Used to be on some tv channels now and then as I was growing up.