Me, Myself and Irene


Ahh, meet Charlie. This dude is the epitome of masculinity. What every man fears will happen to him but never does. If you take a look into Charlie's life you'll see this guy has avoided confrontation since his wife left him. And in doing so he creates a world around him where people just walk all over him.

He married a woman that ran away with a black dwarf and left him to raise three black kids. Which were of course not his. But he loved them anyway, and they loved him, very much. In fact as a loving dad myself, it was nice to see how protective these kids were of their father.

Charlie is a local Policeman. You may think that grants him some authority but people just walk allll over him because of the way he avoids confrontation to the point of doing himself harm. Even little girls don't listen to what he tells them to do. He is a bonafide scaredy-cat.

That's of course until one day something happens that acts as the straw that breaks the camels back. Charlie is in the supermarket and a lady recognises him and asks him to cut in front of him because she is in a hurry -- and when Charlie tells her yes that's fine, she pulls in two full trolley's, and well, that's where Charlie's supressed side comes out to play

Don't mess with Hank, he'll fuck you up.

You see people have been walking all over Charlie for years and years and years, and Charlie has never ever dealt with any of the trauma he has. And in doing so, to avoid any other trauma because it hurts so badly, Charlie just stays out of the way of conflict.

So the pressure has built up over decades, and boom, hank comes out. And hank, well, he takes no shit from anyone.

That's when Irene comes in.

Irene has been pulled into the station for an outstanding warrant. Her ex boyfriend is a mob boss and he doesn't want her revealing anything to the police so he has fabricated the entire thing. But, Charlie and his superiors don't know that, so believing that Charlie needs a vacation to shake this off he is ordered to take Irene back to Massena, New York.

When he arrives there he attempts to hand Irene over to two ESA agents and one of them are killed. Both Charlie and Irene flee the scene and he leaves his medication behind.

And that's when hank comes out to play and the fun begins.

It's a great film. Well done, comedic genius. They don't make films like this anymore. I loved every single moment of it and I encourage you to do the same.


I enjoyed this a couple of decades ago in the cinema. Really hilarious


Heh, heh, heh, by the time this film came out, there was no talk of ‘bipolarity’; today, we know that such people exist and that it is a state of mind. A good thing in those 1987 years.


Which were of course not his. But he loved them anyway, and they loved him, very much. In fact as a loving dad myself, it was nice to see how protective these kids were of their father.

That needs a lot of empathy inside.