I am King Jaffe Joffer, Ruler of Zamunda

Ah, old memories. Coming to America is perhaps a film that would never see the light of day in this day and age. Thinking about it realistically I mean these are black people working honest jobs and doing well for themselves. Can't have that, I mean, this is counter-narrative. And a black prince? With money? Goodness, get this off the TV now before the wokeys start frothing at the mouth.

Anyway, since the time of year right now is wintertime, and I've been searching all day for a damn new years related film (and I couldn't find one), so this one will have to do -- and not that me shamelessly scrabbling through all the winter films should take anything away from this masterpiece at all.

I remember watching this; it was my first ever entry into black comedy. I'll be honest and say that I'd never seen anything of it's kind before because I grew up in a little coastal town in the back end and beyond of Scotland, and back then we were all whiter than ghosts. So this was interesting to me.

But thankfully, because of Trading Places, another Eddie murphy film that I loved - this one just had to be watched by me, and it didn't let me down that's for sure. Interestingly enough, and most notably at the time I know I was in my teens when I watched this film and it's again (like a lot I've spoken about on here) something I'd not let my kid watch in this day in age? Have we just all gone weak? Who knows.


Eddie Murphy a young prince was just about to be married to a wife that would do anything for him that he ever wanted - bored by this thought (and something that I couldn't possibly comprehend as a teenager, I thought he was crazy at the time), he went off to America to "sow his royal oats" but in reality he was going off to look for a new Queen and defy his father. He just wasn't excited by someone that would say yes to his every whim, and knowing what I know now it'd bore the shit out of me too.

Murphy, crazy that he is, goes off to live in the most broken down bat shit crazy place he can find in New York. Filled with drugs, crime, prostitution, and violence. Our dear prince is also blissfully unawares as to how cruel and unhappy some people can be having lived a life of unabashed luxury for so long, he just doesn't comprehend desperation that comes along with poverty. Right away when he lands almost all of his stuff is stolen immediately.

And yet he is content with this, absolutely determined to find a woman that wants him for love and not for his money, which I guess is the way to do it if you're looking for real love and not just entering into a contract.

I miss this type of film. It seems we have almost lost the ability to laugh at ourselves. I miss the old movies where we used to broadcast stuff that was at least semi-realistic and not this pious self-righteous dribble we see now.

Ahh, but one can hope!


Just this year I was watching Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2, told a friend the same thing, movies from those were so much better, most things were real, the places were they film, weather same goes for actors they look more natural, there is something about 80s 90s movies that look so much better