Cine Kids - Netflix Releases For The Month Of June

Authored by @thisismylife

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After a few weeks of absence, Cine Kids is back with another post about the Netflix releases for children for the month of June. Let's see which tips I could find for the coming month.

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Our Planet II - Documentary series

Although this is not a cartoon or tv show for children, it was mentioned in the new releases for children as well and I have to agree that these types of documentaries can be very beautiful to watch as well as very educational. I remember we watched quite a few documentaries about animals or nature that our daughter found very interesting even a few years ago. I made sure to make a note in my calendar for June 14th to watch this together because the documentary will be released on Netflix that day.

I watched the trailer and was definitely intrigued to find out more so I'd say check out the trailer below and maybe you have found your first family watch for the upcoming summer holidays.

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LEGO NINJAGO Dragons Rising Season 1

On June first, LEGO NINJAGO Dragons Rising season one has been released on Netflix. I have not seen any trailers of this series until today but I'm putting it on the watchlist for later as I think my daughter may like it. I think if you're a LEGO fan, you probably saw the NINJAGO movie from 2017 and if you liked it you can now enjoy the tv show season 1 on Netflix. The age rating seems to be from age 6 if there's parental guidance, otherwise age 8 and up. This means I will be watching it with my daughter to see if I think it's suitable for her or not. Either way, I think the LEGO fans will want to check this one out. If you already watched it with your kid, let me know in a comment if you and your child liked it. Below is the trailer:

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Is it cake, Too? Season 2

This one is one to my daughter's heart, she absolutely loves baking shows and has watched them all by now. The excitement of the show "Is it cake" was quite big every time when we were trying to guess if it was cake or the actual item. Often we could not guess it right because these bakers are true artists if you ask me. It was a fun watch and now that I shared with her that there's a season two, I'm pretty sure she's going to binge-watch that series every afternoon when she comes home from school. Below you can find the trailer from season 2.

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Other new releases for June

Besides the shows I just shared with you, there are a few more releases in the month of June that you may find worth watching:

That's it for this week, I hope you found a few things you like to add to your watchlist. See you next week with another Cine Kids.

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Oh new trailer for Our Planet II looks amazing! Can't help but feel sad how we humans keep polluting and abusing our planet though. 😥


I put on the first part yesterday and my daughter was already amazed by having an attention span of 30 minutes before she went to do something else. Will first watch the rest with her and then check part two when released.

It's really sad indeed and causing so many species to die, I would like her to see this as she loves animals and will probably remember to not throw any garbage on the street etc as it hurts sealife for example.

I think it will be a good documentary,thanks for stopping by!


This kind of videos (object or cake) are very good, it's amazing to see how some cakes really look like objects.


Yes I agree, it's amazing to watch really.
It also makes a fun tv moment for my daughter and I as she loves these shows and gets all sucked in to guessing what's cake and what's not lol..