Blazing Saddles


Damn, WHAT a film. I'm surprised this hasn't been banned, at all. I'm not entirely sure why the left hasn't gone completely raving mad at this one. And we all know comedy is perhaps one of the first things the left went after.

This is probably one of the best satirical films ever made. And I say that because it pokes big fun at some of the things we haven't been allowed to poke fun at for years. Most namely how Americans treated black people and the Indians in the time of the wild west, and this film stretches the laughter to its limits.

Here's a slice of the fun:

We laughed at it because it was so stupid, yet so true to what it was like back then and the way they used to treat people. Of course people weren't stupid, and not all black people were as smart as this film portrays them to be, however it just goes to show the stupidness all around, and a bit of laughter at ourselves doesn't go amiss.

I miss those days, when we could laugh at our failures and how stupid we once could be. Now it seems we all pretend to be perfect.

But that aside, Blazing Saddles was a cracking film, built on a tower of satire.

We start off with young Bart, a young black American train track builder. He is working on the great railway across America and his bosses care not for him. In fact, they are seen to rescue a bit of equipment before they even think about looking his way. He nearly dies along with another black American worker but luckily manages to pull himself and his colleague away from the danger... and is told to get on with his fucking work.

This film really does go to the bone of satirical it's honestly quite funny.

Pissed off with his lack of awareness for the safety of him and his friend, Bart then assaults his boss, and is about to be executed by the powers that be for laying a finger on his betters.

But, as luck would have it, Bart is pulled away from execution because of a hairbrained scheme from one of the people in charge of the area. You see, the railroad has to be re-routed through the town because of the quicksand our young Bart nearly died in.

Bart is taken in and appointed sheriff of the local town because it is thought that he would sow division and send the town into chaos being Black, and then the town would be at the mercy of the people in charge.

But as luck would have it for the townspeople, Bart is actually an incredibly intelligent young man and partners with Jim (The Waco Kid) to save the townspeople from the greed of others.

One of the all time greats. I'm sad if you haven't seen it.
