
There is no worse monster than the annihilation of childhood’. This phrase, I wish it had occurred to me but it corresponds to one of my professors at university. A woman who had a very hard childhood, as she had to go through the bitterness and deprivation that only poverty and neglect can cause.... And why am I mentioning this in a film review? Precisely because like my teacher, The Florida Project has a plot that is all too similar.
Here we follow the life of a little 6 year old girl, who lives with her made, a woman who works in a night club, but who is unemployed, and who brings with her a host of problems, which give her character a really detestable tone. Especially if you are a father or mother, or if you are caring for a child. However, the film is not particularly violent, nor is it a drama of family destruction in the style of Six Feet Under or The Wire. In fact, it is a story told through the sweet, playful, innocent eyes of the child, who is also the protagonist.

Located outside Orlando, Florida, the film feels like a lost media episode of Breaking Bad. It has a sinister tone but with the colours of a paradise, as the landscapes of that part of the United States tend to be. The girl steals, learns to swear, sets fires in the company of other children (who are her friends, children just like her) and takes us (the audience) into some not inconsiderable personal conflicts. On the one hand, we know that what she does is not only wrong but outrageous, but on the other hand, we can't forget that this is a 6 year old girl who believes that the world is like this? Like some kind of open world video game, a la Red Redemption 2....
Forgive me if I project too much into your reviews but A24 has succeeded once again... It's amazing that every movie I see from this production company is better than the last. They literally only know how to make masterpieces of today's cinema. Back to The Florida Project, the baby doesn't get the proper care from her mother.... Why? Well, because for starters, the one who is supposed to take care of her, protect her and pamper her, is a young woman in her 20s. She works as a prostitute to pay off debts in the cheap motels that surround the big Disney theme parks, and is clearly not the functioning adult that every child deserves.
She (the kids mum) is just another product of the poverty suffered by the United States. A type that we don't know much about in our Latin American countries and that is not easy for us to empathise with because we come from extremely conservative cultures and mindsets. However, The Florkda Project with its tone between adventure/roadtrip and raw drama with shots typical of series not films, shows us a raw, cruel, hard story and how it is perceived by the mind of a girl who only wants to play and make friends in the middle of the summer cows. I almost forgot Willem Defoe, but I'd better not tell you more. Just look at the role played by this acting genius in this film; he is simply a master. Do yourselves a favour and go see The Florida Project (2017). It's worth every minute of its running time.

This movie seems interesting remind me of the TV series maid, I'm gonna watch it ❤️
Prepare yourself for a mix of feelings. Rage,emptiness, again rage and a bit of happiness and again rage-sadness. But you will never forget it, I assure you @noemilunastorta
I remember watching this one many years ago and enjoying it while at the same time it didn't really stick. The main thing I remember is that the colors resembled disney land which was close by but without any of the poverty.
A24 really has so many excellent and unique movies, I hope they continue to bring this for a long time to come.
They had (A24). Thus film is just one of many they have on their catalogue. And yes, dear @screenjournal that's exactly the whole point on this movie; so close to fantasy world and happiness but at the same time so far away from that. Thank you so much for stopped by.