"Spirited Away" by Hayao Miyazaki Review - A Girl's Battle for her Family


My husband has told me many times to watch Spirited Away and at one time he said that I am missing one of the greatest anime ever. Taking the words of my husband I finally watched Spirited Away with not much expectation so that I would not get disappointed if ever it turned out to be not my liking.

The Film's Narrative

The film's story is about a girl whose parents were cursed and she must find a way and do whatever it takes to bring her family back. If she fails, she will also be cursed and will be trapped in the Spirit World forever.


"Spirited Away" was able to capture my interest right in the opening scenes. I must admit that the animation style is very neat and very detailed. My husband told me that I was going to like the animation style of Spirited Away and it did. The animation style seems to be based on the real-life actions of a person making the scene mimic real life (see a screenshot from the film below).

"Spirited Away" lacked the drama that I have been looking but I guess this anime is not a drama but a fantasy adventure

I think "Spirited Away" is brilliant in juggling the scenes because there are lots of things happening in each scene and also because not all scenes include Chihiro/Sen (the protagonist of the film).

I actually like the animation style of the film because it is very neat and seems based on real-life images. I actually like this kind of anime the most because the screen is not busy and you also get the feeling that all the scenes are based on real-life actions as closely as possible (see a screenshot from the film below).

There's a scene that makes me really nervous because of the thought of what will happen to Chihiro/Sen. One particular scene is when Chihiro/Sen is standing beside a fat statue (see the screens from the film below). Looking at the statue, it is scary because of the peculiar appearance of the statue.

The use of food as a way to lure an unsuspecting human is brilliant and when they turned into pigs surprised me. I knew something would happen to the parents of Chihiro/Sen but I was not expecting that they would turn into pigs.

What surprises me in this film is the unexpected help that Chihiro/Sen got from a stranger which is actually related to the same entity that cursed her parents. The thought that the stranger is actually an enemy makes me uneasy mainly because Chihiro/Sen is so young and can be manipulated rather very easily.

At first, I thought I was going to not like this film but then slowly but surely I got very curious about what would come next. The use of a bathhouse as part of the main plot is amazing. Who would have thought about spirits taking a bath?


To those who love anime, you should watch this. It is one of the best anime that I have ever seen. The plot is unique, the animation is very neat (which mimics real-life actions). The scenes are all very interesting you would not have a feeling of a "filler" scene just like those that we always see on series animes. This is a must-watch.

About the Author

@chenee is a bartender by profession, a plain housewife caring for my family. I love pancit, I love to play online games, and I also love to sing and dance

Thank you all for the support.


I love this film, its aesthetics (like everything Ghibli) is extremely beautiful and the story too, it is one of my favourite films


Same here, I love it too. Thank you for checking out by blog.