"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by Chris Columbus Review: The beginning


The Harry Potter franchise is one of the best I have ever seen. All of the films are masterpieces, magnificently made, and of course, the story of each Harry Potter movie is exceptional. When I first knew about Harry Potter I thought I would not like it but it was the opposite after watching the Sorcerer's Stone. After watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone I immediately became a fan.


The narrative of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is about the early beginning of Harry Potter as a wizard that is also full of adventure, suspense, magic, and twists which make anyone who watches it at the edge of their seat until the end of the movie.


The first scene of Albus Dumbledore gathering the lights of some of the street lights immediately makes me interested in watching the movie. The shapeshifting of a cat revealed to be Professor Minerva McGonagall is nothing new to me but the idea of a flying motorcycle took me by surprise.

The next scene annoys me because of Harry Potter's abusive relatives, but this is a movie. Hence, it is a job well done for the movie to make me annoyed at the portrayal of the abusive relatives of Harry Potter.

I think this is the first time I saw in a movie that an owl is delivering mail (which is a brilliant idea). Aside from the owl the "lettering" on the mail for Harry Potter also looks magical or a sort of writing used only by ordinary people and seems to be well-hand-written (see image below). Also, the egg containing the letter for Harry Potter is brilliant. And wait until you see the letter coming from the fireplace.

The first time that Diagon Alley is introduced to the movie is by way of an enchanted wall that moves by itself after Hagrid taps some parts of it. Introducing one of the most iconic places in the movie, Diagon Alley is a brilliant idea.

My first impression of Hogwarts is magnificent. The floating candles set the vibe that the movie is indeed in the world of witchcraft and wizardry (see image below).

I am watching a movie about magic but then I am surprised and impressed with the talking sorting hat that sorts the first-year students of Hogwarts in their respective houses (see image below).

I think it is also the first time that I watched a movie where the pictures are moving, which still makes a magical vibe. I was also surprised when the trio of Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter came upon a three-headed dog. This kicks off the main plot of the movie when Hermione says that the three-headed dog is guarding something.

One of the most unexpected events in the movie is when a troll manages to enter Hogwarts. Never did I think that a troll was part of the story of this movie I thought it would be purely about magic but I think troll is mostly a fantasy. But of course, this is a movie based on a book so I think anything can happen. Did I say anything can happen? On Christmas Eve I finally noticed that ghosts of dead people were casually living in Hogwarts like they were still alive. The invisibility cloak further made me like the movie a lot. This movie has a lot of surprises, it surprises me with the three-headed dog, the troll, and cloak of invisibility, and Severus Snape threatening a fellow professor.

In the most unlikely of places which again surprises me, Harry Potter met his parents in a mirror that he accidentally found while fleeing the library wearing the cloak of invisibility (see image below).

The most intense of moments came when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy encountered a being sipping the blood of a unicorn, they rattled the being, Draco Malfoy ran away and the being tried to get close to Harry but a Centaur intervened and I was again surprised that the centaur knows Harry.

A question lingers on me about an entity sipping the blood of a unicorn. What could be the connection of the being to Harry and why did the centaur know Harry's name?

The scene of the giant chessboard is amazing. Never did I imagine that there would be a game of giant chess in this movie which the makes is very very thrilling. The chess is not ordinary since each chess piece is destroying the other until there is no one left.

After the game of chess, the moment of revelation came when it was revealed that it was not Snape who was trying to steal the sorcerer's stone. Harry then knew that the professor was the enemy and was also the one who let the troll in. And then the revelation that the professor's turban is hiding something, it was Voldemort. Another surprise is that Harry was able to turn the professor into ashes without him saying any magic word.


Part one of Harry Potter is very very good, I can say that it is so easy to like this movie considering there are lots of surprising and first-time filming styles and effects that I have seen in any movie.

The surprises in this movie are all brilliant which are the three-headed dog, the unicorn, the centaur, Voldemort living in the head of a professor, the moving stair, the alive photos, and the casual movements of ghosts around Hogwarts make up the movie a one of kind. I have seen a lot of magic movies but I think Harry Potter is unique. If you like magic and fantasy movie in one I think you are going to love this. The clear dialogue of all the actors also made the movie very likable.

About the Author

@chenee is a bartender by profession, a plain housewife taking care of my family. I love pancit, I love to play online games, and I also love to sing and dance

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