Assumptions have and will always be a kïller of relationships!

Written by Jemimah Amonahini, directed by Anyanwu Chidi Chidox and produced by Uchenna Mbunabo, is this movie titled “What You Don’t See."

With a runtime of 2hours 9minutes, this film highlights loyalty, friendship, trust, betrayal, expectations, and forgiveness. It depicts the level people are willing to go in order to protect what they perceive to be their territory.

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Maria works as a maid for Mr. James. Along the line, Maria needed respite. She then convinces her boss to recruit the services of her best friend, Kamsi, for the brief period while she finds relief.

No sooner had Kamsi settled in to Mr. James’s house as an ad hoc maid than Maria started to feel uneasy with the goings on.


Straight up, my predictions were countered in this movie. And I’m here to say for the first time in a really long while, in a Nollywood movie within this genre, I didn’t see the end coming. The twist had me smiling like “okay, nice one! You got me there!” Well played.
Now, that’s what we’re talking about!

The moment I saw Sonia playing maid to Ray, I rolled my eyes in a “here we go again” manner (if you know what I mean). And then boom! Along came Kamsi. I rolled my eyes again like “we know how this will end” But ladies and gentlemen, all my guesses were misses! I give it to the writer of the story! Gteat job there!

All the cast did an amazing job, especially Sonia and Chisom. Sonia often gives me a homely natural appeal. She, however, seems to be more comfortable in this kind of role. To be candid, she’s made for more as she’s clearly versatile. I would love to see her fly higher.

Chisommmm! The girl is cute and sharp! Those eyes…those eyes are not only intelligent on screen but in real life. I can tell. I'm not sure if she has already been featured in a lead role for a cinema blockbuster, but I won’t be surprised if and when she does. She’s a star!

Ray was his ‘Rayful’ self! He gives off a big brother, uncle, family friend, and friendly vibes in movies. And I love that about him. He did great. However, he appears to have been holding back some emotions until later on in the movie at the penultimate scene.

I can’t seem to place it, but it felt like he was trying hard to handle the two ladies like they were fragile. Maybe cause of his build…he probably did not want to come off as overpowering. I guess it’s just me thinking this, though. On the whole, I loved his calmness in the movie.

Now, let’s talk about that gateman Senator “without a constituency” played by Maluoha Valentine Esomchi. He often reminds me of the TV series Clinic Matters’ Francis Odega. Dude brought some good comic relief to the movie. His natural sense of humor shone brightly and effortlessly.

Be that as it may, while this movie is interesting, relatable, entertaining, inspiring and educational, with a beautiful background song, I find that the overall outcome of the movie as per viewer experience would have been better if the duration was shorter.

That opening scene or scenes were as unnecessary as unnecessary can be. For the first few minutes, nobody said anything. Just the camera playing around two actors in different parts of the house on mute against a backdrop of a soundtrack generally gives off what one can only describe as a vlog. See, I was this close to clicking away!

I watched this movie on a 1.5x speed, which then felt normal. I can only imagine how bored I would have been carrying on with the original speed. Now, please don’t get me wrong. The movie in itself is not boring. It’s just that scenes may have been intentionally dragged or dialogues repeated to make for the resulting long duration. This, I presume, is a fault of the producers I must express.

What I’m trying to say in essence is that this movie should have been at least 20 - 30 minutes shorter for the plot it offered. I just wish these people consider viewers’ time and money during production.

Let’s face it! They churn out movies ever so frequently…enmasse. Before now, it was ‘every four days ’ now, it’s every day!!! Why still subject viewers to the torture of long laborious durations of upwards of two hours in almost all the movies?

Although the picture quality was vivid, the props, costume, and location however didn’t do it for me. Sonia carried the same hair almost all through. Chisom did too, and when she eventually changed hers, it was an awkward looking wig (well, maybe to depict her financial state, though).

My eyes for aesthetics can’t forgive that house used for this film. Forgive me, but I find it distracting and annoying. The interior and exterior had too much going on for comfort. The decor was just too busy for my liking.

Furthermore, the scene where there was an emergency wasn’t well played out, in my opinion. It had its loopholes. Made me miss that part of Nollywood of old where cars zoom off in a hurry and the editing of the movie portraying the exact tone & mood of a life or dêath situation which is often compelling. This movie lacked it in that scene.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the deep life lessons herein. I guess Maria had watched too many Nollywood movies to have reacted the way she did. Will you blame her? I really do not blame her outbursts. She was consumed by her own insecurities. Loved the ending. The twist got me for real.

If you go ahead to see this film, please don’t expect too much. Just enjoy the acting and the storyline.

Thanks for gracing this post.
