I'm still loving Only Murders in the Building| Let's talk about season 3 [ESP/ING]

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Se me está haciendo costumbre ver las series y olvidar escribir o hablar sobre ellas, y una de mis series favoritas para maratonear en los últimos tiempos ha sido "Sólo Asesinatos en el edificio", serie que tiene reseña en mi blog, tanto de la temporada 1 como de la temporada 2. Hoy, hablaremos únicamente de la tercera temporada, por ende, si no has visto la serie, quizás no es la reseña indicada para ti.

La tercera temporada nos trae a nuestros protagonistas en eun mundo diferente, pero, también con aspectos concurridos, esta vez nuestros 3 personajes principales (Charles, Oliver y Mabel) investigan la muerte del actor Ben Glenroy, quién estaría protagonizando el regreso de Oliver al teatro, cuando inesperadamente fallece en la primera función.

I'm getting into the habit of watching series and forgetting to write or talk about them, and one of my favorite series to marathon lately has been "Murder Only in the Building", a series that has been reviewed in my blog, both season 1 and season 2. Today, we will only talk about season 3, so if you haven't seen the series, maybe this is not the right review for you.

The third season brings us to our protagonists in a different world, but also with busy aspects, this time our 3 main characters (Charles, Oliver and Mabel) investigate the death of actor Ben Glenroy, who would be starring in Oliver's return to the theater, when he unexpectedly dies in the first show.


Esta temporada inicia con mucha fuerza y he de decir que desde mi punto de vista, se intensifica mucho más hacia la mitad de la temporada. Con 10 episodios esta vez, tenemos más de 1 misterio, porque tenemos un nuevo personaje llamado Loretta Durkin interpretado por la mismísima Meryl Streep, actriz que vino a dar mucho estilo a esta temporada.

La trama de esta entrega es mucho más intensa, tiene subtramas no relacionadas con el homicidio, que resultan amortiguar los aspectos quizás más fuertes. Debo decir que la contrucción del caso policial para mí, esta vez, esta un poco más predecible, pero, continua siendo magistral.

Como siempre, conocemos más a nuestros 3 personajes principales mientras investigan, de una manera muy personal, las situaciones se conectan con ellos mismos y es increíble como tras 30 episodios, aún hay muchas capas que notar en cuanto a la construcción de cada uno de sus personajes... Es ese aspecto, uno de los más enigmaticos de esta producción.

This season starts with a lot of strength and I must say that from my point of view, it intensifies much more towards the middle of the season. With 10 episodes this time, we have more than 1 mystery, because we have a new character named Loretta Durkin played by Meryl Streep herself, an actress who came to give a lot of style to this season.

The plot of this installment is much more intense, it has subplots unrelated to the murder, which prove to cushion the perhaps stronger aspects. I must say that the construction of the police case for me, this time, is a little more predictable, but, it continues to be masterful.

As always, we get to know more of our 3 main characters as they investigate, in a very personal way, the situations connect with themselves and it's amazing how after 30 episodes, there are still many layers to notice in terms of the construction of each of their characters.... It is that aspect, one of the most enigmatic of this production.


Un plus muy bueno de esta temporada son los momentos musicales, especialmente los que protagoniza Meryl Streep (Perfección de actriz),pero, en general los momentos musicales fueron manejados de una manera bastante cuidada, no llevan a la serie por un camino diferente, pero, si le dan un toque bastante único y eso me gusta... Me gusta cuando las producciones sorprenden de manera detallada.

He leído en redes sociales que la serie ya esta cayendo en una formula repetida, para mí, es todo lo contrario, aunque seguimos viendo asesinatos, en cada temporada presentan como un tema subliminal... Esto mezclado con las nuevas capas de los personajes, no deja que la serie se encasille en un formula.

A very good plus of this season are the musical moments, especially the ones starring Meryl Streep (Actress perfection), but, in general the musical moments were handled in a very careful way, they don't take the series on a different path, but, they do give it a very unique touch and I like that.... I like it when productions surprise in a detailed way.

I have read on social networks that the series is already falling into a repeated formula, for me, it is quite the opposite, although we continue to see murders, in each season they present as a subliminal theme.... This mixed with the new layers of the characters, does not let the series is pigeonholed in a formula.


Desde ya, estoy esperando la 4ta temporada, porque como pudimos ver en el capítulo final muestran la muerte de un personaje bastante cercano para uno de los personajes principales y por eso, no puedo esperar a ver como lo manejan.

Solo asesinatos en el Edificio, en la temporada 3 no decepcionó, una temporada con una excelente calidad de producción, de trama y con un especial desarrollo en los personajes que conocemos. Una serie que sigue siendo muy maratoneable, pero, con un increíble resultado y mensaje.

I'm already looking forward to the 4th season, because as we saw in the final chapter they show the death of a character close to one of the main characters and therefore, I can't wait to see how they handle it.

Only Murders in the Building, season 3 did not disappoint, a season with an excellent production quality, plot and with a special development in the characters we know. A series that is still very marathonable, but, with an incredible outcome and message.

Espero que la vean y que les haya gustado este post.
Nos leemos pronto.

I hope you see it and that you liked this post.
See you soon.


One of my favorite shows for the music intro, the three main actors, and the story is cleaver and funny and surprising


It has so many good aspects that it is impossible not to like it.


I really enjoyed the show. It surprised me a lot, I didn't expect to like it. Steve Martin and Martin Short are in really good shape for their ages!


I really enjoyed the show. It surprised me a lot, I didn't expect to like it. Steve Martin and Martin Short are in really good shape for their ages!

Steve Martin and Martin Short from my point of view are quite indispensable to the essence of the series.... GENIUSES