A Lesson In Cinema!!

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Movies are one of the best things to happen to man! It’s no news by now how much I enjoy watching them because I never seem to stop talking about it. While I enjoy action thrillers and even horror, there are times I enjoy a bit of romance and comedy as well.

Some of the beauties of action movies are the choreographed fight scenes, the awesome gun battles, and of course, the blowing of stuff up. It’s always impressive to watch things go up in a fiery ball of flame and watch people try their utmost best to kill each other.


One thing I’ve always loved about these movies is usually the soundtrack they use to accompany these scenes. Music is so important to movies because just one wrong song or score can ruin the entire theme of a particular scene. So, I always appreciate it when the makers of the movies take their time to use good music because that sets you in the mood better than anything else.

With so many movies out today, many of which I find impressive, it’s hard to say there’s one in particular that did it for me. Because a different number of them evoked a variety of emotions within me. I’ve seen a movie that only made me mad at the protagonist because of the stupid decisions they made, I’ve seen movies that made me understand the reasons the antagonist had to do what he did. After all, that’s the point of a good story. It strokes your emotions and makes you feel things for the character.


So, you see why picking one is not as easy as you would think. I don’t think I’ve seen a movie that made me cry. One movie that brought me close to tears was actually a K-drama I watched many years ago. Back when we were still watching on disks. It was Illjimae: The Phantom Thief.

It’s kind of like the Korean version of Robin Hood, he stole from the rich to feed the poor. And when the authorities came close to arresting him, his adoptive father donned his costume and pretended to be the Phantom Thief in his stead. So, the old man was arrested and publicly executed. That was not even the painful part.


A law was passed that because he was a criminal, no one was allowed to mourn him. He wasn’t given a proper burial and was treated like a common thief, his family couldn’t even cry or show their pain in public. So, the painful part for me was these people trying to live within these constraints set by the government. And for an innocent man at that. And then, let me not talk about the scenes of Illjimae crying at the loss of his adoptive father.

There were a lot of scenes in that drama that could bring anyone to tears, but no worries. Even when I was a boy, I was already a hard man😇. We don’t cry easy where I’m from🤤. Hehe… I only came close, but that was it.😂


Another movie that brought me close as well was a Nollywood movie called A Million Tears. A heart-wrenching movie that till today still has one of the best soundtracks to come out of Nollywood. In this one, there’s no particular scene that’s painful. It just sort of builds up and the further you go, the harder the storyline pulls on your heartstrings. And you won’t even know when the tears start to come.

It’s an old movie, another story of that bad boy turned good because he fell in love with the nerdy girl. Sadly, this nerdy girl had a terminal illness and was gonna die within a short while. It told the story of how their relationship changed both of them, making them see the world in a way neither knew of before and it helped a lot of the decisions they went on to make.


That movie was really touching, even listening to the soundtrack alone is enough to make tears of nostalgia stream from your eyes. I watched it a very long time ago, and to date, no other movie has touched me that way.

These days, movie companies are more interested in telling stories that sell, not telling stories that will touch the hearts and minds of the people. But then, once in a while, you come across a really good story that’ll impress you and stay on your mind for a long time.


If there’s anything I’ve learned from these two movies I’ve mentioned, it’s the fact that we’re not alone. We have to surround ourselves with people who will look out for us and want what’s best for us, no matter the price.

These days, we need more movies with actual life lessons. So far, all I’ve learned from some movies is not to be the dumb guy who gets shot while the main character dodges all the bullets. So, choose to be your main character and dodge your bullets as well. It sounds deep and all, so you can apply it in your life.

You’re welcome.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the first topic of this week which is The Perfect Movie. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used are mine.

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Omo It was really a great lesson


In any movie, music and background have backbone role indeed. I also have seen many movies and it was hard to eliminate others and mention one here but I did and mentioned my best movie. A Phantom Thief movie has interesting story. There are few people who helped others and stuck their life in trouble. It was not a thief but a great man who has pain for poor. I cried here when I read his adoptive father present himself for arrest and save his adoptive son 😢. The second movie looked more sad as the name indicates Million tears. When we chang ourselves for love and our love left us, I can feel this pain still as I have experienced this in my Practical life, a nice post Lord.

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Yeah... Love will make us do so many things, things we never believed we were capable of. But then, it all serves to remind us that no matter how bad things get in the world, there'll always be good people.


I also think soundtrack play a very important role on our mood while watching movies and I noticed it many times.

his family couldn’t even cry or show their pain in public.

In first movie this one is very pathetic and I feel it can give the family feelings of hell. I think I won't see the movie anytime. But in case of second movie I will give a look to watch it because it's seems interesting.


Hehe... no biggie! You can watch whichever one you want.😊


We're not alone and we can never be alone. That's why God created us to be there for each other.
I'd check the movie on Netflix if I can find it
Nice review!


A million tears is kinda old, so I don't know if it'll be on Netflix. You might be able to download it though, but I don't know where. All the same, I'm sure you'd enjoy it!


Talking about a movie has certainly become an entertainment for humans, many of them let go of their weakness while watching movies either at home or in a coffee shop, if I personally prefer to watch action films compared to films whose storylines are sad it only makes me a little upset, because watching drama films most storylines are loud and can make tears flow. If I am told to choose, I will definitely choose action films and it also depends on each hobby☺☺


Talking about soundtracks movies, yeah you are right.These soundtracks makes movies so pleasing and more intriguing.
This movie oh I can't forget when they wiped out the boys family and made him suffer.
The movie is really touching.
The he became the Korean robin hood, steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
This is a nice choice of movie though.


Yeah... he really suffered and went through so much. But in the end, he used his pain as a motivation to do good.


I also watched a movie sitting at home with my friends, it was very emotional and all of us friends who were there started crying because it had very emotional parts in terms of friendship and human being is emotional. Tears flow from his eyes and that person's heart is also very pure.