RE: The Aliens are Coming, The Aliens ar Coming!


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We certainly don't know what this world is in a lot of ways and since the scamdemic I have become more and more skeptical of things. That being said part of me still believes that Elon is fighting the Matrix and with Space X I don't think he would gas light us with fake footage of their launches and I have seen the International space station pass by many times and have seen other satellites going by.

I know this seems elementary but I have had to start thinking like this and relying on my own evidence and cross reference it with what we have been told.

If all the stuff is true about our observations of the Universe then there are Aliens for sure and have either likely been visiting or observing or are coming.

I feel like if RFK Jr was the president that he would release the information of what we have in Area 51. He said he would and I believe he would try to let us know. That being said this election cycle has been very annoying already and things are looking extremely fake and ridiculous.

Ultimately I think currently the only way the United States get occupied by a hostile force it would have to be an advanced alien force because even though there are a lot of soft people we are armed to the gills and no Earth based military force could occupy us currently.

We are being invaded internally but a lot of the BS wouldn't fly in a lot of the United States.
