A #threetunetuesday post about Mike Post



If you are a child of the 80's like I am, you are most likely familiar with Mike Post. You might not realize it, but I bet you are. In fact, I would venture to guess that at least once a week you saw his name whether you realize it or not. Mike Post is an American composer whose name has become synonymous with television theme songs.

That's right, some of the most loved shows of the 80's had their theme song written by Mike Post. If they were to turn my life into a television show, Mike Post is the man I would want writing it. It would be one of those tunes that sticks with you well into your later years.

You might find yourself humming it at the most random of times, it's one of those earworms that get stuck in your head, but not in an annoying way like that one Britney Spears song.

Sadly, only about six of his songs made it to the charts, but the tunes will forever be held in the hearts of an entire generation (or more).

Clearly, my theme for this weeks #threetunetuesday sponsored by @ablaze is songs written by Mike Post.

I hope you enjoy!

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I wasn't planning on starting things off in alphabetical order, but it just feels appropriate that I would kick things off with the A-Team. This show was absolute fire and it was so sad that they cancelled it when they did.

Sure, for a crack group of commandos, their aim was about as accurate as a storm trooper, but it was always fun watching them build a tank out of spare parts and save whatever town or village they were visiting that week. All with the threat of Colonel Decker hot on their trail.

I remember we used to play A-Team on the playground at recess, which was no small feat given the fact that we had zero African American kids in our school. I'm guessing we probably would get cancelled these days for one of my friends pretending to be BA Barackus.

All of that aside, there is no denying that the theme songs is one of those things that really sticks with you. I bet you were humming it before it even started playing in the video above.

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I was actually pretty young when Magnum PI came on television. I think it was something like 1982, so while I watched the show, a lot of the themes and plots kind of flew over my head. There are two things about the show that are absolutely unforgettable though, the theme and the car.

Isn't it interesting how so many shows in the 70's and 80's seemed to revolve around a vehicle? Think the Ferrari in Magnum PI. The muscle car in Starsky and Hutch, Knight Rider, the van in A-Team, the truck in Fall Guy, I think I made my point.

The cool thing is, we have some channels that show reruns these days, so you can easily go back and watch Magnum PI. It's still just as good as I remember it.

Mike Post had a way of creating songs that feel familiar. Sure, they were all different, but they also have that comfortable element that wraps around you. I think part of it is nostalgia, but the other part of it is just how well they were composed.

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Finally, I am going to leave you with the Theme from the Greatest American Hero. This was another short lived series, but it was also one of the few songs that actually charted for Mike Post. Despite the lack of success for the show, the song holds it's own over time.

In fact, I was talking to @mrsbozz the other day and I said the words "believe it or not" and she immediately started singing this song. Now, she is about the furthest thing from a nerd you can imagine, but she definitely earned her cred with that one.

I was talking to @tarazkp the other day about our shared love for Seinfeld and the following clip is one of my favorite scenes from one of the episodes:

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It's no question that if something makes it to an episode of Seinfeld, then it deserves its place in pop culture history.

Among the songs I shared above, here are some more theme songs that Mike Post composed:

  • The Rockford Files
  • LA Law
  • Hill Street Blues
  • Doogie Howser MD
  • NYPD Blue
  • Hardcastle and McCormick
  • Quantum Leap (the original one)
  • Renegade

And many more!

There is no doubt that Mike Post is a national treasure and if you don't agree, take it up with the A-Team!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


Mike post did theme tracks for so many TV series it's incredible, had forgotten about him after watching many of the shows with the boys when young.

Nice drifting down memory lane and giving great composers a shout out!


Thanks, I appreciate it. As you dig in, it is pretty amazing just how much music he composed. I think he might have done the Riptide and Simon and Simon theme too, but I could be wrong.


Each score written became synonymous to the series, he was incredible in what he achieved.


I had not associated Mike Post with those series, well I was very small but after the years I still watched them, I remember that my mother liked to watch Magnum, she has always been a fan of those crime series, I'm sure I inherited it from her, what I enjoy the most are the action series.


I'm with you! There were some really great shows back then and I don't feel like the stuff today can compare. Some of it was cheesy, but it was just pure gold as well.


Loved the A Team and Magnum PI. There were some real classic tv to watch back then that just isnt the same these days. It is still on my to watch list, the A Team film, it would be hard without the real Hannibal though.

Love the scene with George 😆


Seinfeld has some of the best scenes. I think Liam Neeson did a pretty good George Peppard imitation. I really miss those old shows!


Great post, I thought I was the only one who knew about Mike Post, he did all the theme tunes to the shows of my childhood, my favourite being The A-Team. You could buy CD's of his work back in the old days of record shops, which is how I discovered him. Thanks for bringing back all those good memories.


I'm glad I could do that for you! It was interesting as I grew older to learn just how many of my favorite tunes he had written. These days it's almost rare for shows to have an opening theme.


Never heard of the guy, but I know a fair few of those tv shows!

Happy New Year bozz


It's amazing just how many things he was involved in!


These tunes are the ones that should be called old but golden
They are really nice!


Thank you! They definitely bring back some memories for me!


Yay! 🤗
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I didn't know the name, but I've heard his work. I watched some of those shows a lot, but don't think I saw The Greatest American Hero. I am sure someone did a Hive post about it. Can you believe I've not watched Seinfeld? It was on here, but I just didn't get into it.

You have inspired me to do a post!


Greatest American Hero was pretty cool. I don't know how they might have made it work for multiple seasons, but the premise was pretty interesting. Seinfeld isn't for everyone, but if you like it, there are so many good plot lines.



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I also remember this TV that used to be in our house and there were no colors in it and it was black and white and all of us brothers and sisters and all our relatives used to watch movies together. It was more special.


What a great memory! We had an old black and white TV as well. It was so small compared to the ones that are out today!


Greatest American Hero had a great theme song. I always love the George version on Seinfeld! Probably one of the best theme songs made for TV.

Of course the A-Team theme just sticks in your head too, as the Magnum theme. I'm surprised no one has tried to resurrect the A-Team for television. They made a pretty good movie though!


I don't know if the A-Team would work these days. People aren't as open to the same thing week after week like they used to be. I'd still watch it if they tried though! They need to come out with a second movie.


They do, apparently not going happen though on the second movie.

Your probably right on people not as into that type of show these days, I would watch it too! They would probably have to adapt it to have an ongoing drama more like Reacher to make it work though.

Reacher has been great this season!


Yeah, my wife and I were trying to hold off on watching the episodes so we wouldn't have to wait for a new one each week, but we couldn't help ourselves and now here we sit waiting for tomorrow to come!


No kidding! I'm right there with you... I look forward to Thursday nights now!


These are great songs! Oh wow, talk about memories. Those were some kickass themes songs, for sure.

And those phones in that Seinfeld clip! Holy long antenna!


Haha, yeah it's hard to believe that stuff was cutting edge back then. I love those old shows from when I was a kid


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