Traitors has to Go Down As Best Reality TV Show of All Time

It is only the second season and already the hit TV series Traitors has got the whole of the UK and around the world tuning in for what makes riveting TV. TV networks around the world are queueing up to be the network that brings the show to their country. Not since Who Wants To Be a Millionaire is a TV Show so in demand and the reason it is in demand is because of a number of reasons.

It is cheap to make. There is no major production costs.
The players playing the game cause the drama.
It is compelling TV when the public know what is going on but the players in the game don't.

So what is it all about??

Ok so 22 contestants who are all strangers to each other start the TV show. They are driven to a large manor house. The TV Host in this case Claudia Winkelmann gathers them together and lets them know that she will be picking 3 'Traitors' in the group. The rest of the contestants are what is known as the 'Faithful'. It is up to the 19 contestants to find out who the real traitors are. In order to do this there is a Round Table every night where each contestant votes for who they think is a Traitor. This is called the Banishment. The traitors job is to work in the shadows and make sure that they are not voted for banishment. If a contestant is receives the majority vote then they must reveal if they are a traitor or not before they are out.
Not only this but the traitors get together every night after dark to perform a murder and decide which one of the contestants they should murder. This needs to be strategic and they have to ensure that a path does not lead back to them. So for example if a Faithful suspects that someone is a traitor and they get murdered then all eyes will be on the person who they were voting for. Some players crack under the pressure like this man this year.

So during the day the faithful and the traitors perform certain tasks to raise their prize money fund as there can be one winner. It is here under duress that peoples true colours come out and it might be a sign of some traitorous activities. There are shields to win which would protect a player from banishment so there is strategy here as well.

It seems complicated but it is very easy to pick up. We are currently on the second season which is the best TV I have watched in a long time because the producers and editors are top notch in the show. In this season the Faithfuls are not getting on well and they keep knocking out Faithfuls with strong personalities. It seems this is a trend so the Faithful start getting quieter in case they are next on the chopping block. The traitors meanwhile are loving this and they kill off more strong personalities to keep them out of the picture.

In the last series it was revealed that two contestants were boyfriend and girlfriend and when the team found this out they swiftly got banished as they could not be trusted even though they were faithful.

In this season a mother and son are present but they do not tell anybody that they are related. Now the public can see this every night and they do some laughing and joking about it.


However the traitors think the mother known as Diane is closing in on them so they murder her. This leaves her son Ross vowing for revenge but nobody knows this. One of the traitors becomes the biggest vilan in the UK overnight and his name is Paul. He loves his traitor role and he loves killing off the contestants. Some say he gets too cocky and even turns on two of his own traitors to get them out so he can keep the money. This backfires on him and this episode highest watched TV show this year in the UK.
Meanwhile with Paul gone the traitors are given a choice to recruit a new traitor or murder a Faithful. They have a huddle and decide to bring Ross in as a traitor. They tell him that if he says no then they will murder him. Ross joins the traitors and asks immediately the decision making process for knocking out Faithfuls. One of the traitors asks who he was thinking about and he replies "Diane for example"
The Traitor laughs and said she was getting too big for her boots and the camera pans to Ross whose mother has been murdered. Traitors is just after making a real life Hamlet and I cannot wait until next Wednesday when Ross plans their downfall and this is all from inside the Traitors lair. It is just too funny. I just love it. Here is the moment Ross finds out why they killed his mother

If there was ever a start of a villain arc then this is it. What a Show we have here. It has got some good that I make excuses now not to go and play football or go for a drink any evening it is on.


Last year I only started watching towards the last few episodes, but this year I've been watching from the beginning and it's getting better every week so far. I think Harry might regret bringing Ross in very soon. Uncloaked is very good as well, do you watch it?


oOOOOOOO uncloaked. I must look that up . Cheers


It actually does seem complicated 😂😂😂

It's like the real life version of among us 😂