CineTV Contest #122: Favorite Movie with Drinking


From the trailer video above this sentence, you can tell why I chose this series as my favorite movie with drinkingšŸ¤£. We see different characters and how alcohol generally influences their decisions and lives.
I watched this series while I was still in University and it did influence my views on alcohol, especially on how to drink responsibly. So when I saw these contests the first thing that came to my mind was "How I Met Your Mother"šŸ¤ž.

"How I Met Your Mother" centers on a bachelor narrating to his children the different experiences he had before he met their mother and his wife.
Half the time, his experiences were mostly in the bar with his friends Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Robin and they always were funny scenes influenced by their alcohol.
Most times they met after work or in the evening to share about their day or rant about their current lives and their dialogues were hilarious.

A good example of one drinking scene where Marshall and Lily decide to have a "Grown-up" (season 3, episode 12 titled "No Tomorrow") party different from their usual meet-ups at the bar, they wanted to plan something classy and more mature only for things to end up even worse than their usual drinking days.
The night ended with a bathtub full of ice, and a missing couch a big bucket of regret, and not as classy or mature as they would have hoped.
It was a funny scene and a reminder of how much alcohol or drinking can amplify good and bad decisions. It was very funny to me, a bit relatable now that I am much older, and a little bit cringe-worthy.

I didn't like how bad their life choices were when they were on alcohol and that shaped my beliefs on not drinking when I need to make major decisions or in places or with people I don't feel generally safe with.
The only time I take alcohol or drink is when I am home alone with a loved one who can monitor me and make sure I don't do something I would regret. Because drinking can ruin well-intentioned plans can go awry and push one into situations or circumstances beyond their control.

I hope you enjoyed reading my entry for the CineTv contest #122

Thank you for your timešŸ˜


If there is one thing to learn from movies like this, it's to not drink at all or drunk responsibly.
I can see there is a lot of comedy on this one, would check it out.


LoL... scared of alcohol that much? Anyway, it's not like I'm a big fan of it myself. The movie does seem to be quite an interesting series one would enjoy to watch though. Beautiful review.


Such a great TV show! Some scenes involving drinks are quite fun and creative.