Operation Fortune was an unfortunate watch


There's not many action movies I don't like and operation Fortune is right there with the lot. It just felt like a pointless and utter waste of my time.

The nothingness of the movie was a tad bit too much for me. I mean, action movies are typically pointless and just an opportunity to show unnecessary violence but this one was even more pointless.

The movie was about a robbery of some AI thingy that's supposed to be the mother of all AIs.

It also had all the aspects of a standard espionage action movie. You know, an eccentric good guy, a team of super smart individuals, a sassy supporting female actress and a billionaire villain.

The movie also features a double agent that went rogue, a covert movie star that the Billionaire villain likes and to yup, you guessed it, some Russian/Ukraine bad guys.

Don't get me wrong, the movie doesn't suck. It just doesn't move me, if you know what I mean.

It's like a movie I've watched a million times with a very predictable outcome. It wasn't boring, it wasn't exciting, it was just a movie with very little going for it.

Working for the movie is the fact that it does have decent humor. It was nice to see Jason Statham actually put in effort to actually act but it really wasn't anything that will get you off your seat.

I'd give it a 2.5/5. It is not a bad move, far from that. It just isn't great either.


Too bad it wasn't great. Usually when you have Guy Ritchie directing with some talented actors like Statham and Elwes you would expect something good. But even the acting and directing talents sometimes produce sub par films...


Name dropping Guy Richie in the title is a marketing gimmick imo


Yea when you've watched movie a million times,it won't move you the way it did initially. I would like to watch the movie. Thanks for sharing


i like a lot your review, but it's true.