Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. say they would do Tropic Thunder sequel
...and I wonder how the cancel mob would handle that. Back when Tropic Thunder was released I feel as though the world was far less sensitive than it is now and his blackface playing role of Kirk Lazarus was one of the funniest aspects of the film.

Another aspect of the film that would probably get the people in question in hot water would be Tom Cruise's portrayal of "Les Grossman" who while it is not explicitly stated, is clearly a Jewish Hollywood bigwig.

Yet when the movie was released almost no one lost their damn mind about either one of these things. Unfortunately, I think the reaction would be very different if that film was released for the first time today because people are so sensitive, getting Twitter or TikTok outrage reactions is all the rage... or so I'm told, I don't use either of those things.
One of the greatest scenes in the entire film is the "never go full retard" scene and while I do not know them personally, I know there are people out there that go into a rage if they ever hear the world retard being said by anyone.
I don't know what happened to the world between now and 2008 but I think the world, in a way, or at least the Western world and especially the United States, actually has gone "full retard."
There have been some attempts to cancel Robert Downey Jr. in particular because of his involvement in this movie but they have been massively unsuccessful. Downey himself say that he has no regrets for playing the blackface role and has defended doing so on multiple occasions. I think that most actual black people don't have a problem with this role either and that it is mostly white people that are getting angry on behalf of blacks that make all the noise in these situations. Making the assumption that a particular ethnic group cannot or wont stand up for themselves is far more racist than blackface is and those that do that sort of thing fail to see the hypocrisy in that. These "white saviors" did this with the Washington Redskins and The Cleveland Indians even though through various polls that were taken it showed that actual Native Americans were not at all offended by the team names and most of them felt pride, when they thought about the teams.
The point I am making here is that cancel-culture might be coming to an end soon and that would be really nice. The fact that Cruise and Downey Jr are completely down with making a sequel should someone decide to do it, kind of shows how that might be the case. However, I suppose it is worth realizing that both of these guys are such huge stars that they could do almost anything and still be hired for any job they wanted in Hollywood. They are basically un-cancel-able.
I would love to see a sequel to Tropic Thunder, but only if they are going to do it in a non-woke way that doesn't bend over and cater to the PC mob that exists out there.
I see no problem with another race playing another race in a film as it is unimportant in my book anyway. People just want to be difficult and expect everyone to agree with their views and it is not the case. I hope that one of these days people are going to stand up to the PC brigade as it is wearing very thin.
I think a lot of times that people aren't truly upset about it anyway, they are just seeking attention and followers on social media and what better way to do that than to create fake controversy.
I really enjoyed the movie even though it was extremely far-fetched. It was kind of Stiller still trying to maintain his slapstick roots while reaching out a bit for some more serious stuff at the same time.
If they did make a sequel I am sure it would do fantastically. There would be some protestors but this would just lead to lots of free publicity.
Yeah, these days when woke people protest something it seems as though anti-woke people will go watch or do almost anything. It might actually be a tactic of the industry at this point.
it's tough to not get wrapped up in all of it but really I think that most films that are made these days are pretty garbage anyway