The Two Scenes: Natalie's Misery.


With a big smile wrapping her face like that of a joker, Melissa covered her mouth with her hands as warm liquid found their way down her face, ruining her mascara. Smiling deeply, she closed the envelope in her hands after returning its content. "He needs to know," she said quietly before picking up her phone to order a cab.

Some minutes later, Melissa found herself in a cab with more smiles on her face. It just felt like she couldn't control her emotions as the cab got her closer to her destination.

Staring at the fine ring on her fingers, her hands graced it. "Just a few days remaining," she laughed.

The cab came to a halt, and Melissa didn't need to be told what to do next. "How would he react to this news?" she thought as she placed her hands on the door knob to find that the door was opened.

"Hmm, this is nice!" She was thrilled. She knows it is against Adrian's tradition to see the bride a few days before the wedding, but the news she has needs to be out as quickly as possible. And with that, she carefully tiptoed into his apartment with her legs moving towards his room.

"Ah, come on baby", a soft voice rang out, stopping Melissa's movement. With eyes opened wide, she rushed to Adrian's door and opened to find the biggest shock of her life.

"Adr... Adri.. Adrian!" she screamed, holding her stomach before closing her mouth with her other hands.

Two eyes met each other as Adrian gulped loudly. "Can't you knock?" he asked Melissa before sitting well on the bed, ignoring the girl beside him for a minute.

"What? I don't understand what is happening. Am I dreaming? Melissa asked before staring at Adrian again and again.

"Give us some privacy. I'll call you tomorrow. Adrian said before kissing the girl beside him.

Closing her eyes briefly, Melissa watched the lady dress up before pushing her almost out of the doorway before leaving.

"Why did you do it, Adrian?" Melissa asked, closing her eyes briefly to let the tears flow.

"There's no why, Mel... It's my life, and I intended to live it." Adrian replied, rolling his eyes.

"Your life? Really? So you mean..."

"I mean that I am not a cat! I am just a human, and as a human, you only live once. Adrian replied, cutting off Melissa's sentence short."

Shaking her head, Natalie held her face with her hands as she stared at the TV. "You only live once," she mimicked with a scoff. "What an A-hole! Men are masochistic bastards and can not be trusted," she spat before pouring the wine beside her into her wine glass, and in one go, she drained the cup.

"How I wish I watched this movie three months before saying the word, Yes," she whined before holding her chest. A deep sigh left her lips as she was reminded of her misfortune.

3 months ago.

"Say yes!" echoed around from strangers present at the supermarket. Smiling deeply at the man with one leg on the floor, Natalie nodded her head with a smile before saying the word, "Yes!".

Noises filled the air at her response as hugs came her way. Chuckling quietly, she blushed when Ray, her fiance, hugged her too before carrying her out of the supermarket.


"Geez!" she never expected him to propose to her, especially in such a crowded area. She never liked her business being everyone's business, but he just made it so. Bringing her to the limelight and calling her a princess and the latter, she holds dearly because she is indeed a princess.

Smiling briefly, she touched her third fingers before biting her lower lips as gently as she could.

"You know that drives me crazy, right?" Ray's voice filled the car as he drove.

Covering her face with her right hand, Natalie smiled more. She knew exactly what drove him crazy and that made her blush more. "What's going on in his mind now?" she thought seductively, unintentionally biting her lips again.

"Geez, babe. You are going to ruin me." Stopping the car, he pulled her closer before biting her lips, and sucking hard on it. He kissed her so passionately that he felt like he was drowning.

Gasping for air, Natalie held on him like he was her life source, and he gripped her more. Savoring her taste before breaking off. "You... you drive me crazy, beautiful, and I love that, my angel." He said before starting the car and dropping her off.

Love filled her heart as she watched him drive off. Touching her lips, smiles filled her face as his last statement echoed in her heart.

Turning around, she walked into her apartment with a happy face. Going into her room, she showered before walking to the kitchen to prepare herself a nice meal. Opening her fridge, she realized what had led her to the supermarket, face-palming herself, she chuckled.

She'll need to order something tonight and then go shopping for foodstuff tomorrow after work. With that settled, she walked back into her room to order with her phone but couldn't find it.

"Hmm, that's strange. Was it stolen?" She questioned the air around her while holding her head to remember anything. And then it struck her. *"Geez, well, it seems it is not goodnight yet for her and Ray. She must have left the phone when he kissed her, she thought. Chuckling deeply, her mind made a rewind of the kissing scene again, and Natalie knew she needed to be with him.

Changing her dress, she picked up her wallet before leaving her home.

Stopping a taxi, she went in before giving her location, and as the taxi moved, more memories of their time together filled her head, and she couldn't help smiling.

"We are here," the taxi man's voice interrupted her thought.

Smiling, she apologized before paying for the fee and alighting the car.

Inhaling the air around, she let it out from her mouth before moving her legs to Ray's front porch.

"Knock, knock, knock," her hands moved on the wooden door, but no one answered. "Hmm, did he go out?" she thought.

Touching the door knob, she twisted it only to find that the door was opened. Chuckling, she walked in, and she didn't need to go far.

Right in the living room was Ray with a woman stranded on his lap as they both battled with moaning.

With eyes wide open, Natalie swallowed the rush of spit in her mouth before choking on it.

"Pouf, pouf, pouf," she coughed while holding her chest tightly.

Hands down, Ray looked at Natalie with his mouth agape.

"I can explain, babe, you know I..."

Staring hard at him, she took off the ring in her finger and threw it right at him. "Keep your explanation. You disgust me!" she screamed before turning around.

Pushing the lady off him. Ray stood up and held Natalie's hands. "Angel, I..."

Yanking off his hands on her skin, she pushed him. "I need no explanation from you... you... yo.."

"You caused it! I told you biting your lower lip drives me crazy and we can't have sex before marriage. It is against my culture. Why do you think I proposed to you? I need you in my bed as soon as possible so that I'll stop messing around with these girls. I love yo..."

And that did it. Before he could finish his statement, Natalie's hand worked a miracle on his face before she walked out on him.

Present Day.

Pouring more wine into the wine glass, Natalie lifted it on her lips as she continued with the movie while cursing at men.

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The poor girl has no luck with men. There are people with such bad luck in love that they live going from relationship to relationship without being able to find a sincere and faithful person.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


That's right. Some people get to live such life and it is very scary.


I don't think I like the idea of proposing in public. It feels as though you are obliged to say yes. I feel sorry for Natalie, I hope the next man she finds will cherish her and stick to her forever.


Yeah, it's a meh for me as well. Yeah, let's hope she finds someone nice


One wonders as one finishes the story, if Natalie's troubles are tied to her haste in finding a partner. It seems she consented to Ray's proposal quickly, and then, a brief three month's later is engaged to Adrian. It is hard to follow the sequence of events in this story, but it seems this young lady must exert more caution in forming relationships. A Marriage is supposed to last a lifetime. A significant investment of time before that seems wise.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @balikis95


Awwn I feel for Natalie. Ray's excuse was pretty lame so I think he's just a cheat and Natalie should consider herself saved from future sorrows. Great story🤗


Yeah, that's right. His excuses were lame, but isn't that how they all sound? Hehe