The Movie.


Shaking his head, Daniel pointed his gun straight to her heart as his lips trembled.

"Drop your weapon, Eleanor. It is over." He said, begging with his eyes for her to listen.

With tears rolling off her cheeks, Eleanor murmured some incoherent words before staring back at Daniel with some sort of determined eyes.

That's the look, the look of the toaster. Daniel thought, and with more determination, he raised his weapon higher before removing the safety.

"It is over, so just stop. Stop and let the law handle them." Daniel said, giving Eleanor another chance to not get killed by him. "Stand the trial. Tell your stories, and the world will listen." He added.

"The world???" Chuckling deeply, Eleanor continued with so much anger in her tone. "I am angry at the world and the people in it! Their minds change swiftly by the news they hear. They don't care if they are lies made up by people in power or not before reprimanding others! Most people have lost their sense of reasoning!"

Biting gently on her lips with teary eyes, she closed her eyes briefly, breathing in the sweet scent of Daniel's sweat mixed with his cologne. And the calmness that overtook her was unexplainable. She wanted to tell him all. Right here, right now! But she couldn't open up her dark world to him. She doesn't think she can ever do that. "The world took what meant the world to me, and they didn't back down to thrash me while I wail in hiding. This world doesn't care for the truth. They do not..."

"I care! I care for everything that is related to you. So, put down your weapon and walk out with me. Stand trial for what they've done to you. The pain that they've caused you and what you've done to them. You know I have a friend in the media who can get things out before it can be taken down. Please..." Daniel said, cutting her statement short.

"You don't understand. These people make the law, make the news as they want, and judge as they like. They have people everywhere, and I just need to cut off the last head. Just one last job, and I'll bring myself in and pay for my sins. Just one last job! Mr. Lee deserves what's coming to him. He is my last target and almost at the tip of my fingers. Let me take him out like I did others. I am called the toaster for that reason. The fact that I toasted them to death without fail earned me that." Eleanor replied.


"What do you think will happen next?" Rita asked her brother Darren, as they both stared at the TV with a glass of champagne in hand. Bringing up the remote, she paused the TV and concentrated on him.

"Haha, you think I'll fall for that? Let's make a bet and toast to it like we've already been doing so far with the movie. I am leading with 2 points now. If you accept your defeat, we can just discuss what comes next with...the... toaster!" Darren replied, clanking his champagne glass with his sisters’.

Eyeing her brother with her lips curled, Rita sighed. "You know how Mum and Dad would feel if I tell them you are watching a movie like this, Darren. You are just twelve-year-old with your brain just fit for animated movies on Disney Junior." Rita said with a chuckle.

"Oh, yes! And I'll tell them everything that happened. You didn't stop me from not seeing the movie, and you brought wine from the cellar to toast while watching the movie. You are the one who invented the game. Let's bet on what happens next and toast to the winner.* So, you are in for it too."* Darren replied to his sister with a deep smile.

"So, you are threatening your only sister now, eh?" Rita questions with her eyes looking straight at her brother's face.

"Why are all ladies like this? You want to turn things on me now, uhn? Have you forgotten the person who started the threat first?" Darren asked with a mixture of confusion in his tone.

Chuckling deeply, Rita replied, "This is why I like spending time with you. You speak like an adult who has seen so much in life."

"I think Daniel will allow Eleanor to go. He has been suspicious after her last kill.” Chuckling deeply, she continued, ”You know it is funny how the most wanted criminal is dating the police in charge of the case. When Eleanor told him she made a reservation in the same restaurant that he knew Mr. Lee was in, he started tailing her movement, which led him to her dressing up in the girls' bathroom where they are now. He'll let her go. That's my final thought on the movie." Rita said, sipping her champagne.

"Hmmm, it is tricky. But I think he won't let her kill her last target. He is going to convince her and make a record of her confession to the world, and send it to his friend who is an anchor. It'll make the news, and she will stand trial." Darren replied.

"I just hope they don't take the light. We only have a few minutes for the movie to end." Darren added.

"Geez, Dar, don't jinx it. You should not have said that. You'll be surprised at what I'll do if what you said happens." Rita said, shooting daggers with her eyes toward her brother.

"Fine, fine... I take back my word." He replied.

Picking up the remote, Rita pressed the play button.

"I know you never miss your targets. But has it crossed your mind that we are dating? My job is on the line here... I knew you had your past, and it was filled with cruelty. Your scars are what make you more beautiful each day that I see you. Please, don't let me pull the trigger, El. Please..." Daniel sobbed as he spoke.

"I promise to turn myself in after this job, Dan. And I'll stand trial, too. You have to understand why I have to do this." Eleanor replied.

"Why! Why... just why? Revenge? I'll get it for you. Trust me on that." Daniel screamed.

"I am with your child, Daniel. I am four weeks pregnant, and I need to end the world where people like Mr. Lee reigns. I don't want to bring our child to this cruel world. Let me finish the cleanup. Let me be the..."

"What? You... are... what! El, please don't..."

"Clum!" The TV sounded, and suddenly, the room temperature got high as Rita stared at her brother Darren in the dark. "You should have never mentioned that the light may be taken, Dar. You should have never..."

"I am sorry, Rita. I took back my words, please stop pinching me." Darren begged, but Rita wasn't having that.

"Oh, that's just a tip of what next I'll do to you." Rita replied.

However, as she stood up, Darren ran, and Rita followed with all the cusses she could muster up.

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Lolz, they seems close, in love beautiful family with siblings loving each other.


you play with the reader with this story a@balikis. You have managed to put a clever twist on this story by connecting the two different scenarios with the younger brother's premnition. Thank you for writing.


Thank you for reading. I appreciate your response to this.


I was so engrossed in the movie just like Rita and Darren till the light was taken. So even in the fictional world, these power supply agencies still strike?😭😂


🤣🤣🤣 yes o my dearest sister. Dem no de fear face.


What's a nice close relationship between both of them, it's show how they really cares for each other


The lady with the magic fingers, this is nice
Really there are some wrongs that we encounter in life that we wish to execute the justice ourselves and I see the lady in that shoe
However, we also need to let ourselves down and not allow our anger do the regrettable
I love this madam



Haha... thank you 😊 .

Yeah, especially when you know the law can't hurt them no matter the evidence.

That's another angle. Anger makes us do regrettable things.