A fulfilling end : Umbrella Academy

It has been about 5 years and coming, but I finally finished the Umbrella Academy. I remember writing a review of the first two seasons about 2 years ago, I didn't write a review for season 3 when I watched it, and it took a while, but yesterday I decided to put the show to bed in my mind, and I watched the final season.


The show centers around the Hargreaves family, once a young superhero team who went by the name the Umbrella Academy. But a lot has happened since they were kids. They didn't exactly enjoy their childhood, and they all had their fair share of difficulties before ultimately splitting up to do other things with their life. In the first three seasons, we see them come together again and again to stop the world from ending multiple times, they fail multiple times and somehow end up in different timelines, and somehow the end of the world follows them to the new timeline. This season yet again they've gotten accustomed to their new lives and gone their separate ways, but after 6 years, the end of the world is coming yet again. What will they do this time?


The show has always brought about fun memories and this season was no different. In a way, I wish it was longer because it only took me a couple of hours of binge watching to finish. I like how things were straight to the point and there was no dilly dallying. From the very first episode, I was already hooked and interested in seeing where everything was going. The show has a way of playing with suspense and pulling you to watch the next episode and then the next, and then the next, and that was exactly what it did to me. The acting is spectacular, the cinematography and special effects are on point, and the plot is interesting. Everything you want from a good series has it.

Even with all of this, there are still some parts that annoyed me with the series. These however are all storyline related and are personal preferences. In order not to spoil the series I won't go into details, but I would say one of the relationships that blossomed in this final season pissed me off. Also, I feel like the ending, though interesting and actually good (if not the only possible resolution), felt like there were still some minor things that weren't resolved, or ever going to be resolved, and it just leaves me with this weird feeling when I think of the end. But I will give them some slack because films that deal with complicated phenomena like alternate timelines, time travel, and the rest are always hard to end without any loopholes. They did a brilliant job with this one. I'll also thank them for adding some cool nerdy time travel language to my vocabulary. The likes of "The butterfly effect" , "The grandfather paradox", "The umbrella effect"(Made up, but still cool), and so on.


Overall it's a great show and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves science fiction laced with the "more realistic" superhero trope. I'd give it a rating of 4.7/5.



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A good rating, which invites us to watch it. Not for nothing, in a recent survey, 80% of those who watched Umbrella, are satisfied with the series. Greetings, @b0s

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in a recent survey, 80% of those who watched Umbrella, are satisfied with the series

That is a very interesting stat I must admit. Greetings 😁


How nice I like this reference, it looks like a pretty interesting program, and I see it gave you that cinephile rage,😄 but in the end I think it was worth it. Thanks for the review.👍


hehe, yeah, some parts got me emotional (mad). Thanks for stopping by


The last season wasn't as great as the previous ones, but I also give them credit for doing their best to at least find a balanced way to end it. I was at least excited to see the guys and gals one more time. I liked their new superpowers, by the way. Gave the series something a little extra.


Yeah, though for me I'd still place this season just slightly above season 3. I found it easier to follow what was going on in this than that. Lots of enjoyable scenes. At least they didn't make us wait in vain