My Favorite, Movie,(Tears of the Sun)


Hello and good evening Trust that we are all doing great.
Is another beautiful day, and we must be glad and rejoice in it.
I am happy to get the chance to also share with the world my best movie. Of course, I've watched so many movies, and there is one particular movie that, whenever I watched it, still brought me to tears. The Title is

Tears of the Sun.

Tears of the Sun is an action movie directed by Antoine Fuqua and released in 2003. Bruce Willis as Lieutenant A.K. Waters leads his Navy Seal team on a rescue mission in Nigeria to extract a US Doctor named Lena from a war-torn region. The mission was simple: just to rescue Doctor Lena, and that has always been the plan of the team, but upon witnessing the pain and suffering the local people were going through at the hands of these rebels, Dr. Lena pleaded with Lit. to abandon his mission and instead take a few of the locals to Cameroon. Being outnumbered by about 1000 Nigerian soldiers made it difficult for the team to accept, but they agreed to risk their lives to save these defenseless people. That is where the action started, too. I found out that this is a true story that took place in Nigeria at that time, so you can only imagine the suffering. I adore the movie because it teaches us so many valuable lessons. If you have seen it, I doubt you will ever wish for civil war to break out in your nation because of all the terrible things that can result from it. The rebels' actions against the locals were horrifying, including murder, rape, property destruction, and other atrocities. It was indeed terrible. I've watched the movie so many times, but, like I said, I always cry whenever I watch it again.

Three members of the US Navy Team were killed out of the seven that went on the mission. They really suffered, but in the long run, they received help from the US Navy team to wipe out the entire Nigerian rebel force.

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Sometimes, it only takes someone who is pure to sacrifice his life for another. The soldiers knew what was ahead of them, but they decided to suffer with the people, and that is a lesson for us all. That is exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us. He who has never seen sin suffered for our sake. Let's ask ourselves, How many of us here can do this?
I know you also have some other interesting movies to share with us.
Thank you all for your time,

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What a great addition you offered me now.
I've not seen the movie but I know wars are the worst thing any human being will ever wish for.

Selfless service without expecting something in return is a hard one to find in our world of today where everyone wants something for something... It's disheartening.

May God bless the navel army members of then and may the souls of the 3 that died keep resting in peace, amen