Are you a good guy or a bad guy (or gal)? The question is, Who are the good ...


... guys?

Let's be good and create a system for good of humanity.

#movie The Professionals (1966)

Posted via D.Buzz


Last picture here

#feedback @chrisrice
Last image adds 100 characters

Posted via D.Buzz


I know the bad guys are the ones that say "trust me."


But not always (although there is only relative truth in this dreamworld). Ultimate truth is only revealed in full present moment awareness.

i quite often jokingly say
"Trust me, i'm not a doctor"


hahahaha! Maybe I'll start using that too. I've taken a pledge to not use establishment medical services or products of any kind, unless it's life or death. It's a nice, peaceful way to live. I wish more of us would try it.


This is very helpful, thank you.

I will note this down to start the process of this gerting fixed.

Posted via D.Buzz


BTW, did any of your prior bug complaints get fixed in this last update?

Posted via D.Buzz


i think i noticed one, forgot to make a note. Maybe more will come to light.


"Who are the good guys indeed."

I don't think you could find an objective answer for this, you're only good as far as the morals you believe in say so.

Many things West sees as good are immoral in my opinion, and vice-versa. Culture Shock is a thing.

Posted via D.Buzz


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We the People are the Good... The Central Bank Owners are the Bad...


Well, yes, but we all have potential "good" and "bad" within. One is mostly more dominant than the other. So even the central bankers have as a minimum a spark of good within them. Potential for change. We must keep well aware of that as we continue to awaken.