Noah & Exodus: Gods & Kings (2014 Movies) - Not Religious at All!


Somehow I happened to watch these two on consecutive days. I started with Exodus and the next day rewatched Noah last week. I've never seen the Christian Bale movie before so watching it on Netflix was good enough for me. Let me just give you a summary review on each of these movies.

If you've been a long time reader of mine, or even if you only followed me recently, you'd know I'm turning quite religious. Thanks to what I call my "spiritual renewal" last year, I said goodbye to my lukewarm Catholic self.

Now I see things with my "new Christian eyes" and what a wonderful thing to have indeed! With that I will share my thoughts and review of these two movies. I'll also include the trailers so you can see the actors and story summary.


Have you watched both before? If not then be warned.


Exodus: Gods and Kings, It's All About War Instead of Religion

Not many people are raving about this at all. Despite Christian Bale being in it, it's not quite a blockbuster and I finally understand why.

Where Dreamworks' Prince of Egypt succeeds is where this Exodus film fails so much. It is not too hopeful at all, nor is it quite inspiring or religious. Not even fun, dramatic or whatever.

In typical Ridley Scott fashion, it's simply a war story being told. It's like his other film, Napoleon. Just some war movie to pass the time away. There's nothing fancy to see here at all. I say, you can skip watching, nothing to miss and nothing to want to see.

You can read the Bible instead or watch the animated movie I mentioned. They even put in some mental health issue in there. 😂 Unfortunately A Beautiful Mind is a lot better than this film in that regard.

Although of course the lead actor is good enough to watch. That's the film's saving grace. Music was subdued but more noticeable than the story. For we already know the story but it was given a military and psychological twist and not much heart at all. Nothing dramatic to see here too.

But if you're into everything Egyptian, you might like it. Costumes, eyeliners, the works. Also, seeing the visual version of the plagues were indeed something to pray won't happen ever again. That's how realistic the scenarios were portrayed. Still there are other movies out there that people can enjoy more than this.

All in all I would rate the movie a 5 out of 10 stars. If you wanna watch it just for the heck of it, sure why not. But don't expect too much to avoid disappointments.

Noah: It's Not Religious, It's Dystopian Fantasy!

I love fantasy stories. When I first watched this a decade or so ago, I thought it was just okay. I didn't rave about this then. After rewatching it with better religious understanding and Christian eyes, I saw all the jarring mistakes. Noah doesn't even reach an epic proportion despite the commendable world-building attempt.

I suppose this is how non-religious people can reinterpret Bible stories to make it appeal to fantasy lovers. If you're not a Christian, you might enjoy it but also think the people of God are quite about magic and weird shizz.

Strictly in the entertainment aspect, yes it has some good elements. The cinematography, CGI and set design are commendable. Loved how they showed the many animals and made them fall asleep too. But seeing it all again I say everything is just so wrong. There's nothing biblical about the story even if it's based off the Bible.

If people wanted to make Christian stories appealing to the irreligious, you don't turn it into something weirdly magical. That's the very thing God is against!

The film looked dystopian and even has fallen angels that were "accepted back in Heaven". Seriously? Demons are not crying over being expelled! Do not be mistaken! They are full of hate instead and eternally against God and man since they rebelled and fell. Just ask this from any Catholic exorcist priest or watch their talks or interviews online.

Writers and producers should've created a different movie not based on a Bible story if they wanted to build a dystopian fantasy world. People would have enjoyed it more if they didn't distort God's Word. Same with Exodus: Gods and Kings, this is disappointing even if it has a better story and is more fantastic. But perhaps you can enjoy Emma Watson's "acting reel".

My verdict: I rate it 6.5 out of 10 stars. Almost good in a fantastic way but not in terms of the truth and its source material.

How about you, did you enjoy any of the two? What are your thoughts on each one? If you've already seen both, I'm sure you have something to say too.


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Written by @artgirl for Hive
© Art x Stephanie Rue / Lucy Stephanie

@artgirl is a freelance writer/blogger/artist, online seller, real estate agent and Manulife financial adviser.

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