DC's Constantine and the Catholic Doctrine: Reel Vs. Real Life


Do you remember the movie Constantine (2005)? For sure you had some questions when you watched it, especially if you're not a Catholic. Whether you are or not, did you enjoy watching it? If not then you'll read several reasons why it's probably not any devout Catholic's favorite.

Since I've already been "renewed" as a Catholic around Lent last year I already see things differently. No longer am I a lukewarm Catholic who doesn't care about anything of the religion. Now I love and appreciate all the teachings of the Catholic Church. With that and because I was initially "enlightened" by consuming many online interviews and talks of Catholic exorcist priests, it's time for a religious movie review!

I've watched Constantine a few times and I always enjoy it everytime. I think I've watched it 2 or 3x since it was released? 🤔 I even wrote a post on the comics character and the film last year. (Constantine: Why He's Not Such a Popular Superhero (But He is To Me!)) Was supposed to write a review but I only got time now.

Anyway am so glad it's still on Netflix. I can watch it again and again if I want to. ❤️ Now of course I rewatched it early this month and finally I noticed many things I didn't before. Let me break it down for you.

⚠️ Warning: Spoiler Alert!!!


👓 The Cast

Here are some of the main and supporting cast in the movie:

Keanu Reeves plays John Constantine

A supernatural "hero" who exorcises demons, dabbles in the occult and other mystical occurrences.

Rachel Weisz plays Angela Dodson

A detective who asks for Constantine's help due to her twin's mysterious death.

Tilda Swinton plays the angel Gabriel

An archangel of God who plays a role in a major demonic activity.

Pruitt Taylor Vince plays Father Hennessy

A priest; friend of Constantine.

Peter Stormare plays Lucifer

The fallen archangel and lord of hell.

🔸 Trailer & Synopsis

An exorcist and occult practitioner is approached by a detective for help with a crime involving her twin. Eventually demons get involved thus a menacing series of event ensues.

🔸 Artgirl's Story and Character Review

Now I can say the movie Constantine is quite a Catholic film despite the "distortions". And I love it for being like that. No wonder the comics fans didn't like the movie at all.

The character is actually also involved in many occult activities, among other things, but the film version doesn't show a lot of that. ❤️ Well at least now I see more Catholic beliefs in there than New Age ones.

But of course looking through my newly "religion enhanced" eyes, I see a lot of things that devout Catholics would not agree with. Yes folks, of course it is a fictional person in a fantasy world so it's only natural there are differences with real life.

Here's where the movie differs, from reel to real life:

1. A Lay Person Cannot and Should Not Exorcise Demons

It is not allowed. There are technicalities and exceptions to this but basically only Catholic exorcist priests have the authority to do so and it is given by their bishop.

Even demons will not acknowledge anyone else trying to exorcise them because evil beings are into hierarchies and such. They are sticklers to God's rules despite disobeying God. If one insists, get ready for an evil deluge, especially if you are not in a state of grace. No kidding.

This is why Fr. Hennessy in the movie calling on Constantine for help like he's stronger and better than a priest of God is incorrect. But hey it's a fantastic story nonetheless, we can dream of doing it or be a real exorcist priest instead. 😆 But that in itself is another whole post to write about.

2. Catholic Priests Do Not Wear Amulets or Talismans

In the movie, we see Constantine take off a triquetra amulet from the priest because "he doesn't need it." Well in fact that's true. We do not need anything else other than God.

Wearing a pagan symbol for protection is a sin against the first commandment of the Lord. No priest should even be caught dead wearing such a thing.

Sacramentals are different from amulets and talismans. To non-Catholics it might seem the same but it's not. And that's another topic for a different day.

3. Psychic Powers are Never From God

Boy oh boy. Take that in for a minute.

Sure God allows charisms but never psychic abilities. If you read the Bible, no prophet or disciple and apostle of His has supernatural or magical abilities. No one.

All kinds of power comes from God alone. An exorcist does not drive demons out, only the Holy Trinity does, including Mama Mary, the angels and the saints which are extensions and instruments of God! Same as no priest can forgive sins except through the sacrament of Confession when and where Jesus is "behind" him. Jesus Christ forgives repentant sinners through His priests since He ascended.

And so, the clergyman in the film clearly is not working for God alone. He might think he is but he isn't fully committed to the Lord at all.

4. A Catholic Relic Can Never Be Used For Evil Purposes

The Spear of Destiny, if it was the one used to pierce Jesus' side and heart, means it is a relic of the Lord. Such a thing becomes a sacramental, therefore holy, and can drive demons out instead of be used for evil purposes like in the film.

Demonic creatures won't even be able to come near or touch such a thing. They hate relics but not as much as they abhor Mama Mary. This is why the archangel Gabriel needs to be the one wielding it in the movie.

5. Angels Do Not Become Human

In the film, Gabriel is turned human by God because of what it did. In reality, if an angel falls from grace, it becomes a demon. It turns into a supremely ugly creature you'd wish you'd never lay eyes on.

When angels disobeyed God long ago, they fell to Earth but none of them became human at all. More like they turned into demons, magical beings and earth elementals like fairies, dwarves, mermaids and all those mythical creatures we read about. Even ghosts are demons in disguise.

6. Someone Like Constantine Would Not Directly Go to Heaven

In reality, he is a lukewarm Catholic bordering on pagan. Syncretism and New Age or occult practices will not get one into Heaven. Even if you use your psychic abilities "for good" it is still of the devil. Such beliefs will drag you in the opposite direction actually. Dabbling in magick and psychic activities are actually the main reasons why people eventually get possessed by demons. Just ask Catholic exorcist priests if you wanna know more.

Despite Constantine fighting evil and exorcising demonic creatures, that's not going to bring anyone to God upon death. Probably possible IF they stored millions and billions of treasures in God's Kingdom (e.g. plenary indulgence, Divine Mercy Sunday feast, Corporal works of mercy, love of neighbor, etc.) But looking at his character as depicted in the movie... nope, no Heaven for him. "Buying your way" to God's Kingdom and still sinning without regret isn't how it's done.

Even if someone is in a constant state of grace (via frequent confession, always going to Sunday masses including Holy Days of Obligation, etc.) there's no assurance you will go to Heaven. Nowhere do we see Constantine even confessing to a priest! I doubt if even the comics have such content. 😆 So definitely he won't be going to heaven even if he sacrificed his life for another.

I used to think that last part where he flipped the bird at the devil is cool. Unfortunately I now know that no devout Catholic or those working on their sanctification would ever do such a thing. Even thinking bad thoughts would stain your soul, meaning Constantine will definitely have to go through purgatory!

I can add more but perhaps that's enough for now. Maybe I'll write a part two soon but let's go to the next part instead.

🔸 Rating

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, I rate this movie a 5 in terms of Catholic doctrine and a 10 for entertainment value. 😉

5 because it can mislead people but it can also make people curious on the real Catholic doctrines. Anything can be used as a way to return to God and increase the faith. So if one is curious or on the road to sanctification, this film can definitely make us realize many Catholic beliefs we overlook.

Anime art depicting Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal punching the devil | source

10 because I still love everything about it. Haha. It makes me wanna fight demons! Rawr! This is why most likely a second Constantine movie is being "blocked" from being made. Either that or Hollywood will make a more occult/magic themed film. Of course that might make the movie flop even more. 😆

Even the cartoon and live action TV series only has one season each. And yes it shows him fighting and fooling demons too despite having more occult and magic practices in the episodes. So now do you know why it's not a blockbuster?

Anyway, God is stronger than any evil being out there, remember that. Even your guardian angel is stronger than Satan. 💪 Glory to God in the highest! 🙏

Which one did you find most interesting and why? Maybe you have something to add too, feel free to comment.



Anyway, God is stronger than any evil being out there, remember that. Even your guardian angel is stronger than Satan. 💪 Glory to God in the highest! 🙏

I couldn't agree more as this is indeed fact.


while i do not share your affection for the catholic faith and see many things differently than you describe, this was immensely refreshing to read!!!

i am inspired by people who stick to their faith in an era when demons and exorcisms - officially, on the world stage - do not exist. hollywood has put these things into movies and thereby reduced them to the realm of fiction in most people's minds... when on the other hand, the modern entertainment industry has artificially elevated purely fictional concepts to a state of 'modern plausibility' everyone believes in unquestioningly. such as the idea that pur ancestors were monkeys and that the universe is unintelligent, stupid and random. i don't think so ;)

guess it's a follow ;)

ever since seeing through the matrix system i grew up in i have cherished people who exercise their faith and speak their truth in their highest conviction



Am glad you enjoyed this review. 😁 Demons and exorcisms are real, I and many people can attest to that. Unfortunately it is just a matter of seeing is believing with us humans. And if someone is too deep into occult/New Age/esoterics/atheism, etc., know that the devil will never disturb someone they already have in the bag.

God bless your spiritual journey. 🙏 And appreciate the follow.