America Was Not All Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll During the Hippies Era


The media has long been feeding us all the bad news that came out of the hippie movement. So-called sexual liberation, illegal drug use and immersion in illicit music wasn't the only thing happening during that time.

We've been duped to believe what it represented, that those days were kind of an American "enlightenment" period. Too late did people realize that sex, drugs and rock & roll are the keys to falling deeper into darkness.

The good news is, last year many learned that something greater actually happened during the hippie counterculture days. Most people didn't even talk about it. Secular people all over the world are clueless like I was, for sure! But don't worry, a movie based on an autobiographical book came out to tell the tale. Hello Jesus Revolution!


👓 Main Cast

Joel Courtney plays Greg Laurie

He's a high school student who found new friends, love and more.

Jonathan Roumie plays Lonnie Frisbee

This man was a hippie from California who spread Jesus to everyone who would listen in 1968.

Kelsey Grammer plays Chuck Smith

A pastor of a Christian church struggling to grow, until he meets Lonnie.

🎥 The Trailer

♠ Synopsis

A teen discovers more in life with new friends, eventually ending up with bad vices. The good news is, they find out about Jesus, and the rest is history!

😉 Artgirl's Review

As a renewed Catholic last year, I definitely enjoyed watching many Christian content. After all, my return to God really began from watching a suggested YouTube video of Fr. Chad Ripperger and the rest is history! I even wrote a life hack against bad luck or demonic forces so everyone can get a spiritual first aid like I did!

And so in 2023 I was on a roll watching plenty of Christian movies and TV shows aside from content from Catholic priests. I decided to watch this on Netflix too. Seeing a non-Catholic Christian film like this is impressive. It gives us a glimpse of American history no one even talks about. Well at least for me I wasn't aware something like this happened.

Here's what I think about Jesus Revolution.


◙ Characters & Story

When I saw the trailer I got curious because I really had no clue of such a thing happening in America at the time. Of course I wasn't alive yet. My parents never even talked about such things because nobody knows about it. Our country was having it's own problems, being under a dictator and eventual corrupt leader.

So anyway I liked how the story introduces us to the youth of that era. Those we haven't heard much of. Actually the start of the film was fine. Typical boy meets girl thing, but oh there's a twist. Haha. However I like how the film didn't concentrate much on the dark side of the time except for one scene.

The drug use and "death" from overdose was meant to shock viewers to their senses. At least it did put some sense back to the girl Greg likes. And he eventually got dragged out of such darkness because of what happened. I love that about the film. We should use the dark experiences we encounter to bring us into the light, to God.

If I saw this before my spiritual renewal maybe I would think it's not that fascinating at all. Maybe I would be just, "meh, okay..." But for sure when I watch it 'til the end I would eventually see things differently. I mean, I even learned about "Jesus freak" just from watching. Like, what? Haha. Such a derisive term just because someone loves our Savior and is all praise about Him? Sad when people ridicule what they don't understand.


Overall when we get to the middle and end of the film we can see how it's a very inspiring movie apparently! I never knew America had such a thing happen in their country. As mentioned, all I knew from the media and various content I saw before about the 60's and 70's are the drugs, sex and rock and roll. Nobody else was saying otherwise. I mean, as a foreigner, we don't know 100% of what happens in another country.

The groupie phase, addictions and relationship damages in the youth of that time doesn't paint a pretty picture about the USA right? So I was pretty glad to find out not everyone was into that lifestyle. It's joyful to know there were hundreds and thousands of people getting saved by Jesus too! Wow. That's the power of the story of this movie. It's historical and religious at the same time!

The characters are all relatable, we see even religious people experience troubles. It's natural for we are human. This is why we must always pray for our clergy including pastors and other church leaders. We should ask God to protect them from all evil so they won't be led astray.

Yes it is not a Catholic movie, but if you love Jesus you will love the movie too. It's all about love and acceptance in the world that did not accept the rebellious youth of that time.

We see how Christians should act in terms of romantic relationships and families. When Jesus is in our lives everything else is secondary. Being a follower of Christ makes all the difference in the world.

As film viewers we get to see how non-Catholic denominations act and behave. We learn how our Christian brothers live their faith similarly and differently than our ways. Also, we see how the "Jesus People Movement" was really big enough for Time magazine to even do a cover story on it.

◙ Acting

I like how it all seemed normal, like, yeah, such a thing was just natural for the actors. It really made the viewer feel like we are seeing what was really happening at the time. It makes each scene feel real and true.

No bad acting here. Unlike The Chosen series where not all are able to perform to the best of their abilities, this movie is worthy to be part of the Hollywood classics.


◙ Cinematography, Production Design & Music

Oh I love the outdoor sceneries. They all lived in a place that doesn't look as polluted as the world we know today. The costume and set design, everything was also very apt for the look of the era.

As for the music, of course, it's one of the things that abound in the film. Adds flavor too because praise songs are a big part of being Christian. Singing and praising God is one of the best feeling in the world!

♠ Rating

If I was to rate the movie, I'd say it's an 8 out of 10. I love it but of course it's not perfect. Still it's very inspiring.

In my Catholic eyes, yes it is lacking more depth in the things they do but as long as it brings more people closer to God or Jesus then that's the first step! Knowing and accepting Jesus brings people out of the dark! The devil wants more of us to stay there, even went as far as creating schism after schism in Roman Catholicism!

However here's something I found last year that should give us all some clarity:


REMEMBER: Demons want Christians to fight each other because that will keep us farther from our sanctification! Divide and conquer is their tactic and look at what's been happening. Like, come on, let's love our neighbors and love God more instead of religious infighting. Let's shake off the scales from our eyes today and ask Jesus for guidance everyday!

Again, Jesus being accepted by people is the way to get closer to the Lord. So this movie, despite what detractors might say, is a testament to God's power to change people. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, (John 14:6) let's not forget that.

Personally I think outside of Catholicism, being in another Christian denomination is just a step away from being Catholic. Mama Mary and Jesus can do the rest to get them all into the fold, with all the prayer warriors and saints' help. Amen. 🙏

How about you, have you seen this film yet? What do you think about it?



I suppose this is worth watching and sharing.
Sadly, America is now in another "revolutionary era" that will surely pull that country further down the drain if left unchecked.

A group of people fighting for their "freedom to choose" to the extent they deny the scientifically and morally backed reality and insist on their version of "truth" based on nothing but their feelings!


Ah yes... this is why we need to pray for each other. 🙏 Pray for the reparation of sins, the conversion of sinners, etc.


Sounds like an interesting movie!
I don't watch movies that often, I rather play games than watching movies, but will remember this one whenever I watch one.

I really enjoy the detailed overview you made, including the different aspects you're reviewing. Great article!
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