Movie | De las calles a Harvard • Homeless to Harvard 🎬🍿

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Hola Hivers ❤️..

De la calle a Harvard, una historia de superación y fortaleza, que nos enseña que siempre que se quiera se puede ser diferente no importa las influencias que tengamos alrededor, no importa las condiciones, siempre hay un mañana que nos puede sonreír.

Hello Hivers ❤️..

From the street to Harvard, a story of overcoming and strength, which teaches us that whenever you want you can be different no matter the influences we have around us, no matter the conditions, there is always a tomorrow that can smile at us.

Este film narra la historia de superación de Liz Munrray, que de niña vivía en la decadencia con su hermana y padres quienes eran adictos y por ende la situación de sus padres afectaba todo su mundo, no asistía al colegio, no tenían a alguien consiente que se preocupara por su higiene personal, su vestimenta e incluso su comida, muy seguido los visitaba la trabajadora social y a su madre la solían internar para su rehabilitación cosa que a Liz le gustaba porque cuando regresaba era nuevamente su mama, salvo la ultima vez que regreso ya que sus excesos de drogas ya estaban pasando factura.

This film tells the story of overcoming Liz Munrray, who as a child lived in decadence with her sister and parents who were addicts and therefore the situation of her parents affected her whole world, she did not attend school, they did not have someone to take care of her personal hygiene, her clothes and even her food, very often they were visited by a social worker and her mother used to be hospitalized for rehabilitation, They were often visited by the social worker and her mother was often hospitalized for rehabilitation, which Liz liked because when she returned she was her mother again, except for the last time she came back because her drug excesses were already taking their toll.


La madre de Liz decide irse a casa de sus padres pero Liz se niega a ir con ella quedando sola y luego acabando en un internado de donde se escapa y vive en las calles a la edad de los 16. La vida de Liz era estar en las calles con sus amigos, robando para comer y cuando regresaba a casa encontraba a su madre cada vez peor.

Liz's mother decides to go to her parents' house but Liz refuses to go with her, leaving her alone and then ending up in a boarding school from where she escapes and lives on the streets at the age of 16. Liz's life was to be on the streets with her friends, stealing to eat and when she returned home she found her mother getting worse and worse.

Liz a pesar de no haber tenido unos padres ejemplares los amaba y se los hacia saber. El día que perdió a su madre fue un golpe muy fuerte y a pesar de eso a partir de ese día decide que ella puede ser diferente y retoma sus estudios. Algo curioso de Liz y que sorprendía a todos era su nivel intelectual, era muy inteligente, leía mucho y a pesar de no asistir en todo el año al colegio cuando se presentaba obtenía buenas calificaciones y así era que aprobaba el grado.

Liz, despite not having had exemplary parents, loved them and let them know it. The day she lost her mother was a very hard blow and in spite of that, from that day on she decided that she could be different and resumed her studies. Something curious about Liz and that surprised everyone was her intellectual level, she was very intelligent, she read a lot and in spite of not attending school all year, when she showed up she got good grades and passed the grade.


En la preparatoria donde ingresa le obsequian un viaje para visitar una universidad en Boston con todos los gastos pagos, este lugar dejo a Liz muy ilusionada con la idea de asistir a una, y para esto solicitaría una beca la que le fue aprobada.

At her high school, she was given an all-expense paid trip to visit a university in Boston, and Liz was very excited about the idea of attending one, and for this she applied for a scholarship, which was approved.

Esta película es muy emotiva e inspiradora aunque al comienzo si es un poco triste porque estos casos si existen, el nivel de fortaleza de esta chica para sobrellevar la vida que le dieron sus padres, aunque en muchos casos se repiten patrones porque se cree que es su destino, pero este es el ejemplo de que no, las cadenas se pueden romper, igual que los patrones y esto fue lo que demostró y se demostró así misma Liz.

This film is very moving and inspiring although at the beginning it is a little sad because these cases do exist, the level of strength of this girl to cope with the life that her parents gave her, although in many cases patterns are repeated because it is believed to be their destiny, but this is the example that no, the chains can be broken, as well as the patterns and this was what Liz demonstrated and proved herself.




♡ Imágenes y textos son propiedad del autor
♡ Edición: Canva - Picsart
♡ Traductor: DeepL

♡ Images and texts are property of the author.
♡ Editing: Canva - Picsart
♡ Translator: DeepL


I find it very valuable that the film not only shows the sadness of her initial situation, but also the strength Liz has to rewrite her story. It's a great message for everyone, especially for those who feel stuck in difficult patterns. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this very motivating film!