The In Between (2022)




I just finished watching this film where love, life and death can be felt in every scene, where yesterday seems like today and the present a past already lived.

Undoubtedly a drama that captivates and teaches us lessons without intending to do so through scenes that are both everyday and special.



Mark Klein's screenplay based on his own novel of the same name published the same year transports us to a love story in the style of the sixties between two teenagers with different but coinciding lives as they suffer the actions and decisions made by their parents at some point in their existence.

The chosen places transport us to those common places where we once spent or where in the future we will transit, only this time through the encounters of Tessa and Skylar for whom love surprises them and they are dragged to new sensations that even after death remain latent and shows them that love never dies.



The drama stars Joey King, winner of the 10-and-under Young Artist Award for Ramona and Beezus and the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award as Favorite Movie Actress for the feature film The Kissing Booth, and Kyle Allen, who played Balkan in Steven Spielberg's West Side Story, an adaptation of the Broadway musical of the same name.4in 2019.

It was directed by Arie Posin who fur director and co-writer of the 2013 film The Face of Love and the critical reaction to the February 2022 release of this feature film has been acceptable, while many moviegoers think that there are scenes that have no purpose whatsoever.



The truth is that the romance and the supernatural seem not to be boring and manage to capture the attention and the questions towards what will happen next, since it takes place in two times, and there are scenes before and after the accident that is the beginning.

It is aimed at young audiences and can be enjoyed with the family, excluding small children.
