Leave the World Behind (2023)




The mastermind behind Mr. Robot (2015) presents ‘Leave the World Behind’ on Netflix. This thrilling film delves into the realm of conspiracy as a family embarks on a brief getaway, seeking solace in an isolated house, far from the hustle and bustle of their urban lives.

After returning home, the family settles into what appears to be a normal routine. The children splash happily in the pool while the parents, played by Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke, relax with a glass of wine, momentarily escaping the pressures of everyday life.

However, in an unexpected turn of events, chaos ensues. Ships crash into the shore, planes plummet, the electricity suddenly goes out and the phone signal mysteriously vanishes.

It is in this convergence of calamitous events that thoughts naturally gravitate towards the notion of an impending apocalypse.



The essence of the film lies in exploring the consequences of a possible collapse of our current system. It delves into the question of how humanity would respond and adapt in such a scenario.

Would we possess the knowledge and capacity to navigate through this new reality?

The system itself has become dependent on external support, but it remains uncertain whether those in power have intentionally initiated this dependency or simply allowed the idea to spread among a fearful population.

As the film unfolds, the plot takes us into a world where the system has collapsed. The origins of this devastation remain unknown, but we witness protagonists driven by a desperate search for answers, seeking solutions to their difficulties.



The aim of the film is to provoke contemplation about existence within a social framework. Humans, like animals, possess an inherent sociability.

The only distinction lies in the human being's ability to choose between joining a collective or opting for isolation in the belief that it may lead to a more favourable outcome.

Gender, age, religion and sexual orientation have no relevance in this matter. The undeniable truth remains that we are interdependent beings and evading this reality is futile. It is therefore prudent to acclimatise quickly to this notion.

The absence of novelty or wonder does not detract from the positive reception of witnessing characters face such challenges.

The intrigue of observing human responses to uncertain circumstances remains unwavering.

Despite one's own perceived capabilities, it is only through direct experience that one can gain true knowledge of one's own capabilities.


Much more than a review of this film; it is a condensed set of general reflections of great interest based on this cinematographic realization. Greetings, @andreseloy581.

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