Fractured (2019)




In a Netflix film, where Sam Worthington (‘Avatar’) shines with his performance in an intriguing psychological thriller that will keep you on edge until the very last moment.

Franctured begins with a young couple arguing over family problems during Thanksgiving dinner while driving. In the back of the car is their young daughter.

However, while making a stop, the girl falls and breaks her arm, requiring a trip to the hospital for medical attention. The girl is treated there, and when she is taken to the hospital with her mother for a CT scan, the father loses track of them.



In this captivating plot, the viewer enters a labyrinth of realities where the truth becomes an enigma to be solved.

Worthington excels in his role, leading the audience to question every detail and theorise about what is really going on.

Masterfully scripted, the film manages to engage the viewer in a unique way, making them feel part of the story and keeping them in constant uncertainty.

As the film progresses, the plot unfolds with unexpected twists and turns and a shocking resolution that will surprise more than one.

Despite some puzzling moments, the film manages to stand out as a quality psychological thriller that offers entertainment and intrigue in every scene.

With a surprise ending and an involving screenplay, this film is highly recommended for those looking for suspense and a thrilling journey through the human mind.

The cinematography is quite good, with framing, perspective changes and specular play appearing at various points in the film.


Oh this is an awesome review. This is now on my watch list. I always love a good psychological thriller for the weekend!
