Back to the Future: The Animated Series (1991-1992)




"Back to the Future: The Animated Series" is an animated series based on the hit movie "Back to the Future", consisting of two seasons, each of 13 episodes, broadcast from 7 September 1991 to 28 November 1992.

It was created by Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis with the aim of expanding the story and continuing the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown in an animated format.



The series follows Marty and Doc as they travel through time in a DeLorean, replacing the previous vehicle destroyed at the end of the trilogy. Unlike the film, the characters travel through time using a locomotive invented at the end of part three, facing challenges and solving problems in different eras. It features familiar characters, such as Einstein, the talking dog, and Jules, a teenage girl who joins them on their travels.

Marty McFly and his girlfriend Jennifer Parker make occasional appearances, although the series concentrates mainly on the adventures of the Brown family, whereas in the films the plot revolved around the McFly family.

Unlike the films, while the action in the live-action feature films took place in and around Hill Valley, the series takes the characters to exotic locations.

While the animated series does not reach the same level of success and acclaim as the original films, it has gained its own group of fans and has managed to keep the spirit of the "Back to the Future" franchise alive.



While the animation may seem a little less sophisticated compared to the films, the series offers new adventures and explorations of the concept of time travel that fans of the film can enjoy.

If you are a fan of the "Back to the Future" saga and enjoy the animated format, you may find satisfaction in "Back to the Future: The Animated Series".


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