"Terminator 2: Judgement Day" by James Cameron: Terminator vs Terminator


There are a lot of time travel movies out there and they have their story arc but one of the most prominent or I should say one of the most famous is the "Terminator" franchise. The release of the first Terminator movie "The Terminator," opened the opportunity to make more movies out of it. As far as I know, the succeeding films of the Terminator franchise are all sequels, and the possibility of more prequels to come.

To date, there are six films made for the franchise namely: The Terminator (1984), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), Terminator Salvation (2009), Terminator Genisys (2015), Terminator: Dark Fate (2019). Of all of the films, my personal favorite is the second film "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" because it is a huge upgrade in the way it was made and the story is undoubtedly great, needless to mention the "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle" scene (which is a classic).

The narrative of "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" is about the action-packed life of Sarah Connor, John Connor, and the Terminator who was sent back in time to protect the young John Connor and the fateful attempt of Sarah Connor to change the course of history.

I like the first background music played when Arnold Schwarzenegger went out of the restaurant after he got the clothes and boots of a man. The use of the Harley Davidson motorcycle in the movie is also brilliant as it matches the badass vibe of the Terminator. The shotgun used by Arnold Schwarzenegger is also badass and I like how he reload the shotgun. When I first watched I was so astonished at how Arnold reloads the gun.

The scene when the first background music was played, the music perfectly fits the badass vibe of the terminator

I just don't get why they make the character of the young John Connor rebellious but it did great and helped the film to be the greatest of all the Terminator films.

It is also a great idea for the film to introduce a better Terminator than the T-800. The idea of liquid metal that can mimic a shape it touches is a cool idea and ahead of its time. The idea of Arnold copying the voice of young John Connor is a clever idea and also the scene where the T-1000 learns that the name of the dog is Max instead of Wolfie.

When I first watched this movie I was at the edge of my seat during the scene of the chase of young John Connor on a motorcycle. It was a very dangerous scene considering that John Connor does not wear a helmet. I also like the scene where John Connor hacks an ATM terminal and successfully withdraws money. The only problem on the scene is that the owner of the ATM card would have it blocked or disabled so technically John would not have been able to use it but it is kind of cool seeing this kind of stuff when I was a kid.

The scene where Sarah Connor is pushing a long nose plier to the back of Arnol looks super real. From the first time that I watched it until I re-watched it again for this review, I still marvel at the scene and how realistic it was.

The scene when Sarah Connor is removing bullets at the back of the Terminator looks very real.

The scene when John Connor teaches the Terminator is kind of funny, the kind of smile that the terminal made was not what I was expecting. Well, maybe because he was a machine. But the scene stands out because it perfectly shows how a machine would mimic an action for the first time and maybe because the T-800 is a killing machine and not made to copy human emotions.

The T-800 trying to smile

I noticed that when Miles Dyson turned off his computer he pressed the enter key. It made me wonder why would a computer turn off by pressing the enter key while the screen was still scrolling. It doesn't make sense because Miles Dyson did not issue any command prior to pressing the enter key to turn the computer off.

The scene when John Connor and the Terminator were under the storage with lots of guns is a badass. It is not all the time that we get to see a scene with a lot of guns and when the mini-gun was found by the Terminator was insane.

The scene when Sarah Connor was about to kill Miles Dyson was a bit of a disappointment. Because if you would have to kill someone, let alone someone who is going to build the very reason for the death of billions of people she would have pulled the trigger right away. Of course, we can argue that at that moment she was very nervous and didn't have what it takes to kill. Instead, they should done it in a more realistic and fast way. But hey, this is a movie, and it added some suspense to it but to all of those who knew what the scene was going they are only waiting for the scene to be finished, and Miles Dyson will not be killed by Sarah.

The scene when the Terminal is casually walking from gunfire and not dropping is a frightening sight, if I were them they should have stepped backward away from the Terminator while it was walking straight to them. To me, this is not very realistic or their judgment is clouded at the moment which is why they did not take a step backward. And then the Terminator casually shoots them below the waist one at a time they should have started running away from the Terminator but they didn't. If I were in that situation I would have started walking backwards while shooting at it.

One of the saddest scenes of the movie is when the T-800 is subdued by the T-1000. I thought it was the end of it but it did re-route to an alternate power and came alive again.

All in all the movie is great. The effects are very real and the whole movie itself is ahead of its time. Watching again today for this review does not make it outdated. Its effects seem to be just made today. It is recommended if you love time travel and cybernetics.

Note: All images on this blog were screenshots from the movie itself.

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional


This is my father's favourite movie ever! I've watch this beauty a thousand of time at least... And it is a masterpiece. Glad to see it here.


One of the few cases of sequels that are as good as the first part.


I agree, it is hard to see a sequel that is equally good as the first one.


This movie is awesome, yesterday i was watching a short in YouTube where i Saw the process about this movie


One of my favorite James Cameron's movies, to bad he was not properly involved in its sequels. I think he wasted the opportunity to make a great trilogy.


I agree, he should have involved in the sequels.