"Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One" Jeff Wamester Review: A Monitor Seeks Help


I have watched multiple iterations of Justice League in films and animation in the past few years and most of them feature action-packed battles and great storylines. But this "Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One" is not jam-packed with electrifying battle scenes but the storyline is very creative and makes you want to watch Part Two right away. It may not have the battle scenes of the previous battle scenes but it makes up with the plot.

"Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One" is all about the confusing flashbacks of past experiences of Barry Allen while he is jumping in and out of reality until he finds out that someone is making him jump in and out of realities for him to realize that sometimes big is happening in the parallel universes.

Confusing at first

I am kind of confused at the beginning of the film because Barry Allen is being brought back and forth from different realities by an unknown individual (which later to be known as John Constantine).

I liked it when I saw Justice League's struggles against Amazo an android that is a creation of Dr. Anthony Ivo. I liked that writers always find ways to show that the Justice League is not invincible and that they only prevail not because of their powers but also because they work together as a team combining their strength, skills, powers, and intellect.

Amazo, the android created by Dr. Anthony Johnson is one formidable foe that even Superman, Batman, Flash, and Green Arrow have no much against

The Characters have huge black lines

What I don't like that much about this film is that the characters all have thick black lines in them which can be noticeable from the beginning except for Amazo because his color palette is dark. But on character like Flash who has a bright red color palette the thick black line is very visible. Although the color palette and detail make them look neat.

This film has the Justice League not formed yet at the start but then the group was able to come to terms that they must create a club of superheroes to defend Earth.

Of course, there is no film about parallel universes without showing what the heroes in different realities would look like. It is always astonishing to see the appearance of the heroes of other realities so when this film showed the counterpart of the Justice League in other realities it made me because it is not that easy to come up with the appearance of heroes today especially in this modern world were there are already lots of heroes being introduced.

A group of heroes from other realities encountered by Barry Allen

No Wonder Woman, No Problem

DC has done a great job in this film because even if there is no Wonder Woman and Green Lantern declined the invitation to join the Justice League it is still a very interesting film to watch because of its plot. But I will argue that it will be much better if Wonder Woman is included in the cast. I wonder why DC has decided not to include Wonder Woman in this film, could there be a reason? Is she going to be included in Part Two? Those questions made me want to watch Part Two right now.

Powers of John Constantine

Whenever John Constantine is included in a Justice League film or animation I am always looking forward to the moment that he shows his power. In this film, it happened when Super Woman (the counterpart of Wonder Woman) from a different reality attempted to kill Barry Allen but John Constantine intervened and stopped her. John Constantine was also able to subdue the counterpart of Batman and The Flash.

John Constantine using his power to save Barry Allen and show the end of the multiverse to a counterpart of Justice League from another reality

A Monitor

As the plot thickens one of the main characters of the film was revealed, the Monitor. The Monitor sent Harbinger to collect heroes from different realities to tackle a threat that hasn't been known before to destroy the multiverse.

A Monitor, the sentient being beyond the reckoning of any beings from Earth

A Monitor is a being that belongs to a civilization so advanced that It doesn't make sense to me why he has to summon the heroes from parallel Earth to find a solution to the problem, the Anti-Matter. It makes me think that the Anti-Matter wave was the creation of the Monitor. A Monitor was asking for the help of some of the heroes but at the end of the film it was revealed that it was only just an "experiment". It is at this moment that the Anti-Matter phenomenon was an experiment that makes me want to watch Part Two right now.

After the revelation and at the end of the film I cannot see any plot holes yet (sometimes I see or recognize one after re-watching). Who knows if I can see one if I watch it one more time?


All in all this film is a success, it did its job to make us fans very interested in Part Two. Even if it doesn't have a lot of battle scenes and the absence of Justice League mainstays like Wonder Woman it is still a very interesting film to watch because of the great plot. With that being said, this film is a must-watch and I am sure that you are going to like it even if there are minimal battle scenes but the plot has made up for all of that.

Note: All images in this blog were screenshots from the film itself

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional
