Rumble Review



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Having a parent who has excelled in some area usually creates a great expectation for their children, as they are usually expected to follow in the footsteps, to surpass their parents or to be equal to them.

This is one of the themes or the one that most caught my attention of the animated film by Paramout, which is being transmitted by Netflix entitled RUMBLE, the plot of this film focuses on the planet Earth after the arrival of various monsters live in harmony and around these giants revolves a fighting league that is crazy for everyone, so these giants to become professionals are considered athletes and superstars.



Now, these athletes are trained by humans and some cities, states or countries have their star or stars and sometimes around this sport and this star versa the economy, so at the beginning of the film we see how in a city there is a record because the champion of this, has managed to win the world title and his belt 9 times, but unfortunately when he stops with his coach to defend the title, disappear which left the city without a champion.

After years of waiting, the city finds a champion who manages to beat the monster who holds the world title, but after winning this fighter named Tentacula decides to go to another city, which means that the commendation of the place is affected and if they continue like this they will have to accept a millionaire offer to demolish the stadium or the city will be lost.



Thus, the teenager Winnie, who intends to follow in the footsteps of his father, who was the coach of the missing champion, goes in search of a rookie to train him and avoid collapsing the stadium, as it bears the name of his father and considers that it is the legacy he left.

In this search he meets again with the son of his father's champion, who has changed his name, because he does not want to live under the shadow of his father, because although he loves wrestling, he is very different from what his father was and when he is involved in an entanglement thanks to Winnie he is forced to go with her, so both discover that although one wants to follow in the footsteps of his father and the other not, the important thing is to be themselves and that a legacy is not walls or goods.



Likewise, as expected there are unbearable and evil characters, there are also the funny ones, there is creativity and good music, in this film this is reflected in the wide variety of monsters present, this film is based on a graphic novel by author Rob Harrell.

On the other hand, the animation of the movie is quite good and it illustrates in a jocular way what fans of a sport can do and how the economy of some places depends or revolves around places like a stadium, a soccer team or something else, which if affected, would bankrupt everyone in the place.



In the same way, this film illustrates, if you know how to see it, that no matter how much we want to run away from who we are, we will only find peace and happiness by accepting ourselves as we are regardless of what others may say, but taking criticism that can serve to improve, to grow, I believe that in a world like today, where consumerism drags so much, it is important to sow in children the importance of self-esteem, to know that you are not more or less for what you have or not and that the opinions of others do not define us, plus we must accept others as they are.

In short, if you want to spend 95 minutes entertaining, watching an animation where humans and monsters coexist, this is an excellent choice, in which the protagonist is not within the expected standards and the girl is not the typical teenager in love with a boy, on the contrary, she is a focused young woman who knows what she wants and fights for it. I say goodbye leaving here this suggestion to watch in the coming days, either alone or with the family.


Having a parent who has excelled in some area usually creates a great expectation for their children, as they are usually expected to follow in the footsteps, to surpass their parents or to be equal to them.

This is one of the themes or the one that most caught my attention of the animated film by Paramout, which is being transmitted by Netflix entitled RUMBLE, the plot of this film focuses on the planet Earth after the arrival of various monsters live in harmony and around these giants revolves a fighting league that is crazy for everyone, so these giants to become professionals are considered athletes and superstars.

Now, these athletes are trained by humans and some cities, states or countries have their star or stars and sometimes around this sport and this star versa the economy, so at the beginning of the film we see how in a city there is a record because the champion of this, has managed to win the world title and his belt 9 times, but unfortunately when he stops with his coach to defend the title, disappear which left the city without a champion.

After years of waiting, the city finds a champion who manages to beat the monster who holds the world title, but after winning this fighter named Tentacula decides to go to another city, which means that the commendation of the place is affected and if they continue like this they will have to accept a millionaire offer to demolish the stadium or the city will be lost.

Thus, the teenager Winnie, who intends to follow in the footsteps of his father, who was the coach of the missing champion, goes in search of a rookie to train him and avoid collapsing the stadium, as it bears the name of his father and considers that it is the legacy he left.

In this search he meets again with the son of his father's champion, who has changed his name, because he does not want to live under the shadow of his father, because although he loves wrestling, he is very different from what his father was and when he is involved in an entanglement thanks to Winnie he is forced to go with her, so both discover that although one wants to follow in the footsteps of his father and the other not, the important thing is to be themselves and that a legacy is not walls or goods.

Likewise, as expected there are unbearable and evil characters, there are also the funny ones, there is creativity and good music, in this film this is reflected in the wide variety of monsters present, this film is based on a graphic novel by author Rob Harrell.

On the other hand, the animation of the movie is quite good and it illustrates in a jocular way what fans of a sport can do and how the economy of some places depends or revolves around places like a stadium, a soccer team or something else, which if affected, would bankrupt everyone in the place.

In the same way, this film illustrates, if you know how to see it, that no matter how much we want to run away from who we are, we will only find peace and happiness by accepting ourselves as we are regardless of what others may say, but taking criticism that can serve to improve, to grow, I believe that in a world like today, where consumerism drags so much, it is important to sow in children the importance of self-esteem, to know that you are not more or less for what you have or not and that the opinions of others do not define us, plus we must accept others as they are.

In short, if you want to spend 95 minutes entertaining, watching an animation where humans and monsters coexist, this is an excellent choice, in which the protagonist is not within the expected standards and the girl is not the typical teenager in love with a boy, on the contrary, she is a focused young woman who knows what she wants and fights for it. I say goodbye leaving here this suggestion to watch in the coming days, either alone or with the family.

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Original content created by @actioncats for HIVE/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter | | Contenido original creado por @actioncats para HIVE/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter


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Hmm, this one seems interesting, this is actually the first time that I have this movie.


I liked the theme of the movie, first it is not a pink thing of a girl in love with a boy, it is short, but entertaining, plus it made me laugh with some scenes and the witticisms of the protagonists.


Hello friend, this is the first time you hear about this movie, which sounds interesting and very funny, since it will be something new, where seeing all those monsters fight, compete and see who will be the best sounds incredible, also my name is the how they managed to unite humans in it and thus give it a great touch. It shows that you enjoyed them and animated movies are always loaded with some messages that are of great help and importance. I'll look it up and thanks for sharing it with us.


I don't know whether to tell you what I know about the friendly union between humans and monsters, since it would be a spoiler, but I know you'll be entertained watching the movie, which by the way is on Netflix, a hug, thank you very much for your visit.



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