RE: The Acolyte cancelled; it was the best thing ever

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Como mencione tiene sus momentos y personajes interesantes, así como actores que dieron la talla, pero era como una mezcla de Frozen con alguna película sangrienta en algunos momentos, hubieran podido crear algo mejor, no sé si has visto Asoka o la serie animada la Guerra de los clones, The mandalorian, esas si valen la pena, eso si, si vas a ver Asoka ve primero Rebels

As I mentioned it has its moments and interesting characters, as well as actors who gave the stature, but it was like a mixture of Frozen with some bloody movie at times, they could have created something better, I do not know if you have seen Asoka or the animated series the Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, those if worth, that if you are going to see Asoka see Rebels first.
