how was that #movie about steem/hive at #hivefest ? i think #hivedao should pay ...
... like 10 groups a few grand each to make some documentary trailers and find existing film makers out there. We really need that one winner to pop and give us a crazy docudrama about socialmedia ubi
Posted via D.Buzz
ever seen "IF DRUGS WERE LEGAL" by BBC? or "If the Oil Ranout" ? they were hypothetical future docu-dramas
if drugs were legal is a good start
but instead of legaldrugs we make it a socialmedia app paying $1T in crypto to billions & how it changes the world & politics-
makes everyonelovecrypto
Posted via D.Buzz
imagine a scene where people are lined up to recieve smartphones in developing countries- sams day that starlink goes live for smartphones worldwide, with everyone vetting a small package of free data for use in wallet apps so basically internet is free for sending txs for UBI
Posted via D.Buzz
people start buying products and a system to organize desirable resources and incentivize the following of an ai organized distribution system to push people to save their money to basically curb inflation and supply chain stress while new factories are built for RVs
Posted via D.Buzz
and other goods and services people will start buying with their up to 1000 a month in UBI from a crypto social media dapp ubi that is delivered on a mainstream app like but which uses a dpos chain like hive on the backend, & the starlink and loanphonedrops are the secret sauce
Posted via D.Buzz